Well, I never heard this story before!
by dmouse 3 Replies latest social humour
Ha ha cute!
never heard of that before .lol
Well, I checked it out, out of interest, and it's not true, which is a shame!
Comments: This whopper has been circulating for years by email and can be
found on dozens of Websites accompanied by the claim that it's "really
true." But it's false, as anyone can verify by perusing the official lunar
landing transcript on NASA's Apollo 11 site (audio & video clips included).
Sometimes attributed to comedian Buddy Hackett, the Gorsky tale likely began
as a joke and, in the process of being told and retold as a true story over
time, ultimately earned the status of urban legend. As Professor Brunvand
says, "The truth never stands in the way of a good story." In spite of the
ease with which this one is debunked, it's so much fun to tell that it will
surely still be with us decades hence