WT."ruins the earth"Rev.11:18 FINED $...

by JWrobot 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JWrobot


    WATCHTOWER Forced to post $25,000 Bond in Cleanup effort. IF Watchtower complies with the Law of the Land, $20,000 of the $50,000 FINE is suspended.

    In harmony with the precedent of Joe Anderson being Dfd by the Governing Body for, "undermining confidence in Jehovahs organization."

    I strongly believe its just a matter of time before the Governing Body of the Christian Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses move to disassociate the ultimate guy for not destroying the damned evidence, none other than the Honorable George E. Pataki, Governor of New York State along with the entire staff of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation for "undermining confidence in Jehovahs visible earthly Organization."

    I'm having trouble putting the scanned pages on the board. If you can explain how to, I'll post all 10 pages here. thanks

    You can receive a copy of this violation under (FOIL) Freedom of Information Act from

    New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

    Division of Environmental Enforcement, 14th Floor

    625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12233-5500

    Edited by - JWrobot on 20 August 2002 22:45:13

    Edited by - JWrobot on 20 August 2002 23:55:53

  • Scully

    JWrobot writes:
    <<<I strongly believe its just a matter of time before the Governing Body of the Christian Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses move to disassociate the ultimate guy for not destroying the damned evidence, none other than the Honorable George E. Pataki, Governor of New York State along with the entire staff of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation for undermining confidence in Jehovahs visible earthly Organization.>>>

    Well, first off, George Pataki isn't a JW, so not under the WTS's jurisdiction in terms of being able to disassociate him.

    Secondly, it's highly unlikely that the WTS would ever do ANYTHING like diss the Governor of NY State that might put its tax exempt status in jeopardy.

    Those guys know how to smooch @$$ when the green stuff is involved.

    Love, Scully

    Edited by - Scully on 20 August 2002 22:9:58

  • deddaisy

    dumping in a pond ? well as long as it wasn't something as serious as leaving gum wrappers on an assembly hall floor like those slobbish "wordly" people do...........

  • Satanus

    To think that all this could have been avoided by using a biffy, like everyone else. Tsk tsk.


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Did you ever find out how to post that? Or did you just make it all up?Maybe you could post the address?


  • JWrobot

    GG - "Did you make it all up"

    For the sake of the earth I wish I did make it up.I'm unable to download it here from Strike9.com . Though I still try.

    I've posted the address above, all you need is a .37 stamp in USA.

    Edited by - jwrobot on 7 September 2002 22:7:48

    Edited by - jwrobot on 8 September 2002 20:6:21


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