Worshipping Elvis Unto Death

by jgnat 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    Due to chat deprivation last night, I got in on the tail end of a month long biography of Elvis. The last few years of his decline due to prescription drugs was laid out in excruciating detail. Elvis was going downhill, surrounded by people that worshipped him, adored him, and cared about him. How could they let that happen?

    Some of his friends described it this way. "He was the leader of the band. You don't question the leader. You follow him."

    He was adored so much, even those closest to him would not own up to how bad the situation had become.

    Worship may be a natural condition for human beings, but what the tragedy if it is misplaced. Misplaced worship and adoration killed Elvis. Misplaced worship in the Organization is causing undue damage within, and preventing needed reforms.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I had my name legally changed 10 years ago. However, my birth name was Presley. No, I'm not related. But, growing up, I used to tell all sorts of wild stories about Graceland and Uncle Elvis shooting up the TV (imagine my amazement when I found out he really did that) and all the kids at school believed me. When "Uncle" died, and someone would ask if I was related, I would solemnly tell them I could talk about it <choke>.

  • heathen

    I knew plenty of dubbies that worshipped elvis and the beatles -- yadda yadda and what about john denver for christs sakes . The word reform would only scare them off thinking you were the whore of babylon or something .I think they are waiting for "new light".

  • jgnat

    Elvis and the "new light"

  • Simon

    I saw a programme about Elvis based on his diet

    It was very sad. His childhood was in poverty and his family often went without food so it became something he had a problem with. The people around him all through his life were bad to him and were killing him with kindness - cooking him his favourite meals which were always 'bad' (even his nurse at the end!)

    The saddest part for me was that towards the end he was in a restaurant that he frequented when he was at Vegas while they were having an impersonation contest and he entered for a laugh but only came 3rd.

    He was a fantastic artist - I have "That's the way it is" (fantastic quality) and he was brilliant.


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