It seems that with the advent of the Internet that more and more people are seeing the WT for what it truly is: a religious cult; a real estate empire; a publishing empire. All cults have to finance themselves somehow. This one is a real estate broker, a publishing house. Other cults use other methods of finance.
Ramtha, or J.Z. Knight, has everyone sign over all their property, everything to her, everything. Then they go to her "farm" and grow potatoes. Or they help grow timothy grass for her horses.
I don't know where the Bagwan gets his money for his fleet of Rolls, but you can be sure he doesn't get HIS hands dirty.
And on and on it goes.
Remember in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" how the kids were kept digging and they were chained with literal chains? Jehovah's Witnesses keep their slaves at work with figurative chains - the threat of being cut off from family and friends. So even people who know better stay in this disgusting organization from fear. Just because those bastards in Brooklyn drape the words "love" and "loving" over every outrageous claim they make doesn't make it so.
So what does this say about thier God, Jehovah, that he would allow his "channel of communication" to use enslavement and fear to keep the workers at their task? Enslavement and fear are the techniques not of love, but of superstition. Very truly, this is no "faithful and discrete slave," it is an evil slave and is fully due what it will inevitabily receive in the fullness of time.
Now that the WT cannot act out its loathsome behaviors behind its paper curtain, and the world is beginning to see that it is not and never has been just another harmless, if eccentric, micro-minority christian religion, can the day of reckoning be far behind?
I really believe it is up to all of us here to do all in our power to bring down this house of cards; to expose it for what it really is. And in this we have the help of the WT itself, as it continues the attempt to hide the fact that it is indeed a pedophiles paradise.
We may not, and likeliy won't, get the kind of national coverage we have seen recently. The media just doesn't work that way. But it does work on a LOCAL level to keep this kind of information constantly before the public. So it becomes incumbent on each one of us to keep our local media informed of each and every instance of pedophilia we can discover. The local news, if you notice, is usually full of pap and pablum. Local news people are constantly on the lookout for something new, something different, and especially something serial to put on the air and on their pages. Here's your chance to do your bit to knock out one brick from the foundation of the accursed and fraudulent religious cult. And if it's only one brick a year from each person here, it really won't take long until the day comes when we can all cheer together when this evil slave is put out of business.
May it be so.
- francois