Its taken as certain by most that the New world translaion is the work of Fred Franz.
Now there are some funny expresions and words he chose to use in that translaion , that most people dont normaly use.But these words and expresions have been turned into catch-phrases by the witnesse, did he choose certain words when others wold have been more accurate in order to do this? (the expression Jehovahs witnesses had already been taken from the Bible and used as a "special" phrase)
I wonder more though,did old Franz choose these words insead of more common expresions in order to use them to deliberatly make some parts of the Bible you woldn't normally link?For example the use of the word time or times in Daniel, luke and revelation.Is it really the same word that is used in tthe original language or could it be translated a different way, but "times" was used to make the link between them so it would fit in with their ideas on prophecy?Are more instances of this in the New world translation?