Ruin those ruining the earth

by back2dafront 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • back2dafront

    I do not have my Bible on hand so I do not remember the exact scripture that says "Jehovah will ruin those ruining the earth..." (Isaiah something...)

    If Witnesses took this scripture as literal as "Abstain from blood" there wouldn't be very many survivors of Armegeddon. Turning the key to your automobile ruins the atmosphere - we've all contributed to the ruin of our earth unfortunately - not because we intend to really, it's just the way it goes due to modern technology. In all my years I never once remember hearing or seeing a satisfactory answer in regards to the interpretation of this scripture.

    Go figure.

  • ISP

    Rev 11.18


  • back2dafront


    I'm using this as an example in my letter to my dad to argue against taking every word in the Bible so literally. They don't apply this one literally, so why apply "abstain from blood" so literally? Or not eating with unbelievers?

    Can't wait to read his response.

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