I have researched the meaning of the word pioneer in a number of online references. None of the meanings seem to match Watchtower's use of the word.
The word refers to persons who are trailblazers; persons who are the first to settle new territory; persons who initiate some new field or technology.
JWs' use of the term to refer to publishers who spend a long time preaching every month, does not in the slightest bit, match the definition.
Now I could see the word being used to refer to missionaries going to a land where there are no JWs, to start the preaching work there and eventually form the first congregation. The term pioneer would legitimately match such missionaries as they would be the first to establish the JW religion in that land.
But to call JWs who preach a specific high quota of hours per month, pioneers, is just blatantly dishonest. It's like they've essentially invented a completely new and unrelated meaning to an existing word in the English language!
What's the basis for Watchtower's use of the word pioneer in this way?