I'd like to dedicate this post to a wobble-headed 'brother' that I once shared congregations with.
He, (being a ministerial servant son of an elder,) age=approx 28,obviously had a magnitude of social deficiencies, most of which were tolerable as, we could choose when we were in his immediate company.
His main problem was his short fuse when around children as he seemed to deem it necessary to pin them up against a wall and slap them across the face while out on field service! (which is pretty bad in itself.}......but that's a story for another time!
Another of his embarrasingly skanky, ritual spastifications is when , after he'd given a 'talk' or read out the announcements, upon his descent from the platform,he would give dramatic eye-contact with his mummy and daddy and in-between -times,whilst wobbling his stupid fuzzy head he would scan the congregation in his search for approval from any-fucker that would be willing to give it to him.
Is there "always one" or were we purely unlucky to have such a twat in our midst?