Has this latest Candace Conti Update been Looked At? Settlement Reached?

by OnTheWayOut 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut


    Supreme Court

    Change court Supreme District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 Div 1 District 4 Div 2 District 4 Div 3 District 5 District 6

    Court data last updated: 06/25/2015 09:27 AM

    Docket (Register of Actions)

    Case Number S226656

    05/27/2015Petition for review filedDefendant and Appellant: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
    Attorney: Jon Robert Williams Pursuant to CRC, rule 8.25(b) Court of Appeal records have been imported.
    05/27/2015Record requested
    06/05/2015Received Court of Appeal record one file folder, briefs, and transcripts
    06/23/2015Filed: letter dated June 22, 2015, notifying the court that petitioners, Watchtower and Fremont Congregation have reached a settlement with respondent, Conti.

  • Londo111


    I've been wondering about this. It hasn't been discussed here in a day or so. Any news or insights?

  • sir82

    There's no reason for the WTS to comment on it.

    The dollar amount is likely relatively low, so likely little interest from news outlets.

    The only one who might want to comment on it is Candace Conti herself. But if there is a gag order issued as part of the settlement, we would not even hear from her.

    It may just remain a mystery.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The Org gave the standard knee-jerk reaction by saying they were going to appeal - only to change their minds very soon after. Whatever happened to "let your 'yes' mean 'yes'?"

    My bet is that the Org's lawyers then went and "consulted" with a very expensive, external legal team who have years of expertise in Supreme Court Appeals - only to be advised that they had a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

    If Team Zalkin agreed to any conditions being attached to the pay-out, I would be astounded and dismayed, as I'm sure Candace would be also.

  • flipper
    Thanks for posting this OTWO. If anybody has more info who is close to this case ; please supply it here, O.K. ?
  • smiddy

    I`m sure many more people would like to know the answers to the questions you guys pose ,however if Candace did finally agree to a settlement with a gag order imposed , I wouln`t blame her , it must have been an extremely stressful time for her these past years.

    She did well to hang out as long as she did.

    I hope her life takes on a more positive path , with this distraction out of the way.


  • zeb
    I hope that when the cheque comes through she makes very good use of it avoiding the sort of new friends who turn up at the smell of $$$.
  • notsurewheretogo

    I posted in the original thread that we would love to know the details of the settlement as it was strange that the WT decided to settle after advising they would appeal.

    In seems Candace has won, all I wonder is has the WT promised her and her lawyers that they will change some of their draconian internal child abuse policies as part of her settlement as she was intent on not just getting compensation for the abuse but she wanted them to admit their fault and change it for others.

    But we may never know the details, let us see if she can say anything or if any new elders letters in the future advise of any change to child abuse policy.

    Either way, Candace Conti will go down in history as a brave woman who took on a corporation who were wrong and she won, she deserves to enjoy the rest of her life and find happiness.

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