I started this OP because of an interchange of two posters on this board which hit a nerve with me , as the title suggests.
I think the video clip /u-tube shown was self explanatory that it is not a myth as one poster said., which was viewed under the subject of the confederate flag.
I cannot imagine the chaos / fallout that would occur if whites adopt the same "Game " as these guys.and go around doing the same thing. Which is probably happening anyway .But it needs to be stopped pronto.
Are you up to it USA ?
I am in Australia and we have seen a trend take place here which is very troubling. I personally have witnessed it .
We have labelled it for what it is a "Cowardly Punch" people walking along minding their own business and then been king hit out of the blue by a passer by , with no indication of what to expect . And sometimes even from behind .
and often fatal for the victim.
here in Australia they don`t care who they hit so long as it is an unsuspecting victim.
These people who do this are weak cowards and need to be exposed as such no matter how old they are.
And they should feel the full brunt of the law,if a person dies , they should be charged with their murder , grevious bodily harm should be another charge if their victim survives the attack .