..that I will go to meetings but I will never refuse a blood transfusion for myself or my family.
What would happen to me do you suppose?
Can anyone show me an article explaining anything related to this?
by PandaJ 4 Replies latest jw friends
..that I will go to meetings but I will never refuse a blood transfusion for myself or my family.
What would happen to me do you suppose?
Can anyone show me an article explaining anything related to this?
I think you would start a considerable amount of grief for yourself and your family. They will say OK...we need to work on your attitude and that you are trying to disturb the loving arrangement, not to mention diobeying Jehovah..In the end you would probably end up in a Judicial Committe meeting if you persisted and didn't steer your attitude back towards one of mildness. In case you do decide to get into it w/them here's some good ammo for you compiled by JanH.
District Overbeer
"He who is faithful in what is little is faithful also in much." In other words, you can be disfellowshipped for a hangnail if the elders want to do it.
The elders I know would answer your defiance with the simple question "Do you recognize the WTBTS as God's appointed faithful and discreet slave?"
This is the disfellowshipping question. If you say no, you are out. If you say yes, then why aren't you toeing the line on the blood issue, as well as everything else?
If they were to ask me if I believed that, I would probably tell them, "I don't know.".
I wonder what would happen then.
For your own good. Don't tell them anything.