
by somebody 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebody


    I was in the live chat today and was chatting with aChristian ( tell your wife I'll dye my hair blonde, if it keeps you out of the doghouse[8>] ),logical, and a few others about the subject of worshipping Jesus. My NWT is the 1961 version and still has the word "worship" in Hebrews 1:6. I decided to do a search on my cd to see if I could figure out what year it was that it was revised and the word worship taken out an replaced. I figured I'd share with you all a "sarcastic" answer the WBTS gave in the Question from readers section of a watchtower. it made me laugh. I now figure the boys in writing in NY DO have a sense of humor afterall!

    5/15/1954 WT
    Questions from Readers

    "In the January 1 issue of The Watchtower the question from Ethiopia, "Should we worship Jesus?" is answered. In paragraph five Hebrews 1:6 is quoted with regard to the angels of God worshiping Jesus, but in the final paragraph it says: "The answer to the above question must be that no distinct worship is to be rendered to Jesus Christ now glorified in heaven. Our worship is to go to Jehovah." Does this not contradict the statement of Hebrews 1:6?-T. P., United States.

    In reply to the several questions on this point in a few letters received, we ask: Are you an angel of God in heaven? If you are, then Hebrews 1:6 applies to you. If you are not one of God's angels in heaven, then Hebrews 1:6 is not directed to you, ...."


    Gave me a good laugh! At the same time, I asked myself why they tampered with then too. My search then took me from 1954, to 1984, when the WBTS continues it's neverending practice of insulting the Catholic religion.

    w84 9/1 29

    "This being the case, Jehovah's Witnesses are not surprised to read in Hebrews 1:6 that the angels are invited to "do obeisance to him," "pay him homage [The New English Bible]" or "worship him [JB]." (Compare Revelation 5:11, 12.) This in no way contradicts Matthew 4:10, where Jesus-quoting Deuteronomy-says that only Jehovah God must be worshiped. Interestingly, the Catholic Jerusalem Bible, that says "worship him" in Hebrews 1:6, refers in its marginal references to Deuteronomy 32:43 (Greek Septuagint) and Psalm 97:7, where it renders the same words, respectively, "pay him homage" and "bow down." Why is this Catholic Bible inconsistent? Apparently for Trinitarian reasons."

    The society never mentioned that the NWT used to use the word worship too. Anyway..my question is ( actually, I have two )..

    Does anyone know when the society changed Hebrews 1:6?

    And also, does anyone know what Bible was used by the JWs before 1961 when the NWT was published?

    Thanks in advance for any help.


    Edited by - somebody on 20 March 2001 18:18:6

  • waiting

    hey somebody,

    yeah, you would look good as a blonde, but don't tell 7 I said that.

    As to your post, very interesting - especially the WT sarcasm.

    Before the NWT was published, all jw's used the official King James version of the Bible. Old English. That's all I know.


  • somebody

    Thanks, waiting
    in the publications before 1961, I didn't mention that instead of (NWT) after quoting scriptures, it says (NW). I don't know what the stands for so that's why I was asking.


  • larc


    They used the King James when going from door to door, and the American Standard Version at the meetings along with the Emphatic Diaglot.


    I hope you don't change your hair. You look a lot like my wife when she was about 30.

  • NewLight2

    Hebrews 1:6
    The word "worship" was used in editions: 1953, 1960, 1961, and 1970.

    "Beginning with the 1971 revision [of the NWT], all future editions were changed to read: 'And let all God's angels do obeisance to him'."

    David A Reed - in "Jehovah's Witneses Answered verse by verse" P. 100,
    C/R 1986 Baker Book house

    Hope that answers your question!


  • NewLight2

    "After release of the 'New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures' in 1950, the Old Testament was produced a portion at a time over the next ten years." p. 105

    Vol 1 (1953) - Genesis through Ruth
    Vol 2 (1955} - I Samuel through Esther
    Vol 3 (1957) - Job through The Song of Solomon
    Vol 4 (1958) - Isaiah through Lamentations
    Vol 5 (1960) - Ezekiel through Malachi

    "The New Testament and Old Testament installments released beginning in 1950 were revised and combined into this one volume [in 1961]." [The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures] p. 115

    David A. Reed - "Jehovah's Witness Literature" - C/R 1993 Baker Book House pp. 105, 108, 110, 115

    So to answer your question about "NW" - I would guess that it refers to the separate volumes published prior to 1961.


  • JanH


    You obviously have a hard time understanding JW Logic(tm).

    Let me explain it to you.

    When all angels fall down and "do obeisance" to Jesus, that is not worship. However, when a child salutes the flag or recites the pledge of allegiance, that is worship.

    Clear as ink, isn't it?

    - Jan

    Edited by - JanH on 20 March 2001 20:20:32

  • NewLight2

    Good comparision on the different meanings of 'worship' to a JW!

    Now can you please explain the 'logic' behind these two JW views??


  • JanH


    : Now can you please explain the 'logic' behind these two JW views??

    If you only had the Holy Spirit you would understand it.

    In lieu of that, you can try spirits :-)

    - Jan

  • Prisca


    make mine a vodka-lime-soda thanks!

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