by FiveShadows 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • FiveShadows

    ok...so my mom calls me up right? ...and i'm like "yeah...i'm half asleep...blah.....yeah...blah....sure...DISFELLOWSHIPED?????? whatchu mean i got DISFELLOWSHIPED???" .....apparently the elder (A.K.A. Jeff Williams) that i met witht he other time back in march was so furious about a letter i sent to the governing body including my fleshly brother that he disfellowshiped me without even letting me know! i thought the elders had to at LEAST let the person know face to face.......but when threatened with the Truth of who they really are...BAM! disfellowshiped! ....i'm happy :-D very happy! ~FS

    Edited by - fiveshadows on 27 August 2002 12:21:56

  • gsx1138

    There are plenty of people here who were DF'd without a "trial". Bill Bowen being the most well known. Sooo are you happy to be DF'd? Obviously your mother is still talking to you and everything seems to be going ok.

  • cruzanheart

    Wasn't it called a pogrom in Nazi Germany? Anyway, FS, you are still the same person (to quote an old friend from many, many years ago). This will make no difference. So nice of your mother to let you know. Don't forget to send her flowers on her birthday.


  • FiveShadows

    Happy? yes i'm very happy that i got disfellowshiped as well as my brother ...who exclaimed "I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE YOU GOT DISFELLOWSHIPED" ...so i made sure i sent him a copy of the letter i sent to the governing body...Kes also sent one to the Governing body..but he hasn't been contacted yet. But anyhow...do i care? not really...the only problem i see is..i wont be able to communicate with my brother anymore...my fleshly one that turned me in. He never liked me after he turned 16..(he's 23 now) but the way i see it...it'll still be hard....especially when my mother passes away...he's going to have a witness ceremony and everything ...which is insulting towards my culture...i am glad that i do not have 'the mark of the wild beast' (branded JW) and i'm very happy i am not touching the "disgusting thing causing desolation standing in a holy place" ...so .......yeah i'm happy. ~FS

  • Mum

    Congratulations! Welcome to freedom -- freedom to think, to feel your true feelings, to do what you like, to pursue your own talents, just to BE!

    Glad you're on board. Look forward to more of your posts...



  • SYN

    Welcome to the "Disfellowshipped Without Our Knowing About It, Damnit" Club!

  • sunshineToo


    I thought you were DF'd already. Then why were your parents shunning you at your uncle's funeral?

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