Tomorrow all the kids come back to school. The first day of school is something I always enjoy to its fullest, meeting all my new charges, wondering about all the things they will accomplish this coming year.
A few days ago I received what is called a "student snapshot" about one of my new students, an incoming freshman. As I was reading about how he is AD/HD (attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder), I noticed under his parents' names a name I recognize as a JW who knew my family when I was very young (like 9 or 10). He was a sort of my brothers' manager. He lived several towns away (near where I currently live and work). I met him only a few times. I am sure if this kid's dad is the same man, he will remember us (me), as our family name is very unusual.
If he is the same man, I wonder if he is going to pull the boy out of my class because I am disassociated. That would be detrimental to the child (since when would that factor into the decision making process for JWs?), because I am the only one in my school district that teaches this particular honors class. In my professional life, no one knows my religious history. This situation could change that for me, which could mean that many other JW students I have will possibly try to get another teacher. I don't think that will happen, but if it does, it could get interesting over here.
I'm still excited though, tomorrow's the first day of school!