Question about Bethel rules

by Quotes 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Quotes

    While reading this most funny thread (TOP 10 LIST - First Week at Bethel) SYN noted:

    Your belongings become a matter of public record for the entire Branch. Housekeeping knows about that pr0n magazine under your mattress! And so do all the Sisters! And the Elders! Except no-one's saying anything, they're waiting to see how long it takes you to repent!

    Which caused me to wonder about the following: What would happen if a Bethelite brought a tiny SAFE into his/her room? (And by SAFE I mean a locked, fire-resistant strongbox to keep important documents and other small things of value, NOT a condom!)

    Is there already a rule against it? Would they invent a rule to get rid of it?

    Follow up question:

    Are there any published rule books for Bethel?

    If so, does anyone have a copy I can post at my Quotes website?


  • jst2laws


    Yes, Living Together In Unity, or something like that. Its been a quarter of a century. I think Randy has a digital copy on his site.


  • Mackin

    When I was in New Zealand Bethel in the '90's you had to ask permission to bring ANY furniture item into your Bethel room. And some items were declined.

    In addition to the "Dwelling Together in Unity" rulebook there was additional rules that each branch office decided upon (no fish tanks or waterbeds for example). So I guess if they wanted to they would decline you permission to have a safe in your room.

    In Bethel the most important commodity anyone can have is "seniority." Seniority = years in full-time service, so if you are an ex missionary or such you could have/do virtually anything you want. Newbie Bethel boys or girls on the other hand are, for the most part, treated like shit, esp. if they had not pioneered before coming to Bethel.

    Ironically the young newbies do the lions share of the work and those with "seniority" do f**k all and get all the perks.

    Bethel is not a happy place.


  • butalbee

    There is a website, that is very informative on this, but I deleted the link from my favorites, and can't remember it I'm not much help at all--sorry. If I find it, I'll post it, or email ya.

  • SYN

    Quotes: The question is not what would happen, but what Jehover thinks. That's what matters, you know And we all know who speaks for Jehover!

  • hippikon

    Mackin : You treated me pretty good - Pitty about the starvation rations though! All those bethelites scurrying for the leftovers made me want to cry!

  • Mackin


    I agree with you. The place sucks.

    I remember having to help the Home Overseer once with an Excel problem on his computer. He was at the time working out the "cost per meal per Bethelite" Apparently there is a bit of a contest between branches to see who can get the lowest figure. So we ate poor quality food to make his figures look good.

    It was a typical example of how they always tried to make things look good to headquarters but failed to give much (or any) thought to how their actions affected people. Assholes!


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hey Mackin

    I had lunch at Bethel after a tour was around 1991-1992 period...can't remember exactly. Anyway, I was wearing a white blouse with a black skirt and matching jacket, do you remember me?? LOL I don't remember seeing you there, what were you wearing???


    ps..only 20 something more sleeps to go...yeehaa!

  • ozziepost


    Have you thought of consolidating those sleeps, so you'd save time in having to wake up and go to sleep over twenty times?

    Cheers, Ozzie (of the sleepless class)


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