I was listening to my brother in law talk about his job this week. He had a stable job for a long time. It was not without problems but it was there. He did not make a whole lot and has always struggled financially. He is a bit naive and wants to play by the book in environments where people are constantly bending the rules. I am not here to support that kind of behavior. I am just making the point that he would easily become target for people that were looking for escape goats. After he got tired of that job (10 years plus) he started working somewhere else and has not been able to hold a job for more than a year at a time. Everywhere he went he ended up in trouble. I know him well enough to know he did not cause them, but was easily made a target. In his latest rant about his job, he started complaining about how he works with a crew of men who don't seem to be able to hold a normal conversation. All they can talk about has to do with sex, drinking and shady business. On top of that, they seem to not be able to talk without letting out a curst after every other word. He says that sometimes he gets a headache from hearing it all day. I don't doubt that there is a healthy portion of "JW self righteousness" in that comment from him but I can understand where he comes from. I don't mind hearing the cursing and I know I let one out every now and then, but I know there is something to be said about people that can not talk without cursing all the time.
That is what got me thinking. I work in a professional environment, surrounded by mostly engineers and business people. That is not to say there are not well spoken bad apples, but at least our conversations are much more pleasant and usually surround around worlds affairs, travel, family activities, political issues, and even spiritual ones. Almost instantly my apostate little devil seating on my left shoulder told me..."If he had actually invested some more time educating himself rather than dedicating so much time to the org, he would not have to settle for this shitty jobs right alongside with uneducated people."
He is the kind to follow rules to the T. He's even listed his "30 plus years as a public speaker" as a qualification in his resume. On top of that, his son is headed down the same path, although I got to say the kid is not interested on anything. No school, no org, not even baptized.
So as you can see, lack of education doesn't just prevent you from analyzing things critically or progressing financially and professionally. It also helps to create that barrier that furthers indoctrination. The same barrier that they are asking our kids to create by making sure the let everyone and their mother know they are JWs on the first day of school.