Hundreds Attend JW Funeral

by Kenneson 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    The Bradley children were buried in a JW service in Jackson, Mississippi with hundreds of friends, family and schoolmates in attendance. Story entitled "Funeral Held for Bradley Children. 5 Killed in Car Accident With Drunken Driver."

  • LeslieV

    WOW that is heartbreaking. I sure feel bad for those parents, I can't even begin to imagine the pain of losing all of your children at once. I see the drunken driver is in critical condition if he recovers I am sure they will prosecute to the fullest extent the law will allow.


  • ignored_one

    Trying not to be cynical at a sad situation as this one but:

    Do you think that the JWs turned this into an advertisement?

    I hope no-one decided to have a study after attending.

    Ignored One.

  • TheOldHippie

    Shame on you, ignored_one, shame on you!

  • puzzled
    "It's not going to be a day I go by not thinking about them," Louis Bradley said. "I'm trying to deal with it, and monday morning I didn't have no kids to take to school no more."

  • TheOldHippie

    Now THAT is a sentence which should make 6 billion people worldwide stop and think and reconsider what they are doing. The whole absurdity and terror and unforseen-ness of our very existence in one small sentence. If that sentence doesn't make one cry, at least inside, then I don't know what that one is made of.

  • stichione

    Truly sad such an event. I have two sons ages 10 and 7. I think I would die if that happened to me.

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