My husband's sister is shunning us, mind you we have not been df'd...we just stopped attending meetings and my husband told his mom and sister he doesn't believe it is the truth. That is not what irks me, that is to be expected I guess. What just irks the heck out of me is that she sent my father in law over (he is not a witness) over our house with her car and asked my husband to change her oil and also put in a new water pump. Now this takes alot of nerve!!! She can't talk to us, but has no problem asking my husband on his days off from work (he works around 50-60 hours a week) if he would work on her car. Now my husband being the nice christian that he is (although he is so evil she can't talk to him) will do this for her. I just can't believe she has the guts to do this.
You know what really irks me!!!
by lv4fer 9 Replies latest jw experiences
Please call me if you still have my number. Zanex and I are planning on meeting for lunch next week.
Also, there is an event near you next weekend and maybe we can hook up.
(PS sorry they are users.)
That sounds all too familiar!!!!!!!!!!!! I experienced the same nonsense with my family. I am too evil for ____________. but not for_________! As long as it was beneficial for them!!!!
It used to really piss me off!!! After a year though, I decided to just let them crap all over me if they wanted too because I hope that their dead brains will wake up and notice who is behaving with love and who isn't. It is working, I still see the bewildered looks on their faces.Love confuses the heck out of them. dj
Let her pay for her own car repairs !!!!!!!
Then maybe she'll appreciate your husband.
Send the car back and tell her that if SHE brings the car you will THINK about fixing it. You may also want to wash your ass bit should you decide to tell her to give you a kiss.
How about going the extra Christian mile and install a Smurf air freshener? Service with a smile.
I'd put off the car repair........'I'll do it soon.........very soon........imminently........sometime in someones lifetime'. She should understand that talk being a dub.
little witch
Right on DJ!!!
I am with you, and patience and love work. Even on hard hearts. Everybody wants love and acceptance. I mean, after all we have been through, we still take the high road. And it has to be obvious to them.
That really pokes holes in the borgs theory, that we leave and suffer all these consequences.
She can't talk to us, but has no problem asking my husband on his days off from work (he works around 50-60 hours a week) if he would work on her car.
This does not surprize me at all. Jws will take fractions of "worldy" peoples blood, but not donate any of their own so that "wordly" people can use fractions of it.
JWs will also not become police officers to help protect "wordly" people, but will call on the police when they are in danger. I could go on and on and on about how they view "worldly" people, but yet USE "wordly" people when their services will be of benefit to themselves.
Like the Bible says.." You will know them by their "fruits".
Your husband is a Christian. Jws are not. That's my opinion.
After I was being DF'd started to work with a new line of equipment. An elder I used to know had this equipment in his enterprise. Somehow the rumour had gone around and he phoned me and asked me to do a favour for him. I did pay a visit and he saved some.
**it happens.