This is why I have a problem believing Jehovah is using the GB
1) 1914 - some would still be alive when Jehovah brings the end - this has changed
2) within our 20th century Jehovah will begin the end of the system of things...P.S we are now in the 21st century
3) king of the north Russia will end. how? when Jehovah brings an end to the system. I bet they never thought in a million years the Berlin wall would come down
Also a whole bunch of other reasons to.
They are beginning to realize after being wrong so many times that maybe they shoundt predict the future any longer. case in point the BS study of the Daniel Book at the end of the book do we learn something new..No . It says it would be unwise to speculate. In other words lets see what happens first and then find a scripture to support what just happened.
Sometimes at meetings they will mention ( not that they are wrong) but they had a wrong expectation of the end. Then they quote the apostles asking Jesus when will be the sign of his presense. So most JW's say ok that makes sence.....Hold on a sec...The apostles did not say to Jesus we have been preaching for the last 6 months that the end is coming in this year and then Jesus told them that it was the apostles approached Jesus privatley and asked him before they went out explaining these things
Likewise when the GB gets together they would pray to Jehovah for his holy spirit when they all feel the same answer to a question they should publish it. If they are incorrect as they have been how can we trust anything they say..why would Jehovah lie. How much more so in this time of END