To: All Bodies of Elders
From: The Boss Governing Body
Dear Brothers:
The light keeps flashing and changing getting brighter. Where before time was only acceptable counted in hours, now a publisher can report as little as 15 minutes to reduce our inactive statistics. The minimum required hours for pioneers has also decreased over time as well as it has become harder and harder to get anyone to sign up for this grueling task.
With the end ever closer than it was in 1975, it is even more important that we reach as many people as possible. The current field service arrangement has become grossly inefficient due to the fact that it is time-oriented and not results-oriented. We have recently become aware of the fact that a few brothers and sisters may deliberately walk slowly in the door-to-door work and that some car groups route their return visits in such a way that they spend more time than necessary simply driving to their destinations. That is seriously hurting productivity.
We must remember that the emphasis is not on time spent but on publications sold people reached with the Good News. Therefore effective immediately, there will be a new arrangement for the sales preaching work.
Publishers and pioneers will no longer be required asked to report time spent in sales and recruiting Field Service. Sales Field Service reports slips turned in each month will now instead report the number of people actually contacted in Field Service as well as literature sales magazines and books placed and return visits and literature bible studies.
While there have never been quotas in hours for publishers though publishers have been expected to at least spend ten hours a month selling our literature, there will also be no quotas for minimum numbers of people contacted in Field Service under the new arrangement. However it should reasonably be expected that a publisher who spends at least ten hours a month in the door-to-door work could reasonably reach at least 60 people a month and sell place at least 20 magazines and even 10 books.
The congregation should be informed at the next Service Meeting of this new arrangement. Revised Sales Field Service Report forms will be sent out immediately.
Let's get those numbers up, guys!
So when do you think we'll see something like this?
Col. J.R. "Bendrr" Brown, [classified]