G'day all,
Yes, on this special day downunder, it's Father's Day. Families have been gathering, cemetery visits made to place flowers on graves, children giving touching notes of affection. And it's the first day of Spring here in Aussie!
So, today's weekend poll has a Father's Day flavor. Settle back with a cuppa and cast your minds back.
The question is:
What was the hardest thing about being a Witness and a father?
1. Getting to the meetings on time.
2. The family study.
3. Did I really have to go to meetings three times a week?
4. Kids falling asleep half-way through the mid-week meeting.
5. Kids restless during the meetings.
6. Getting the family out in the field service.
7. Getting a shepherding call.
8. Arriving at the meeting for field service with all the family by 9 am.
9. Kids waiting around after the meeting while I did my duties.
10. Sitting in the back row.
11. Having to make excuses when I wanted to take the family out for the day.
12. Having to make excuses for letting the kids go to camp/sleepovers/sport
13. Pretending I didn't notice their birthdays.
14. Other (Please specify)
So, what was it like for you? Let us know what was the most significant for you.
Cheers, Ozzie
Edited by - ozziepost on 1 September 2002 6:15:11