Please explain to me. . . .

by Celia 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celia

    I am new here. Great board.
    Wonderful to see Englishman, and Norm in here, and my all
    time favorite : FARKEL The Great.
    But, please, who can tell me why the posts seem to
    move around ? The order changes every time I come in.

  • eyes_opened

    Welcome Celia!

    The post that has just gotten a new response moves to the top.


  • Simon

    Hi celia, welcome to the board!
    If you're refering to the 'active topics' view then that lists the topics or threads in the date order of the last post so the most recently updated topic is at the top.
    The listing in each forum should stay the same but again, new topics will appear at the top and shuffle the older ones down. You can view previous topics by using the page links above and below the list.
    Of course, if it isn't doing this then it could be a bug !
    Hope this helps

  • ozziepost

    G'day Celia and welcome to our Home, Sweet, Home.

    Simon has assembled a very pleasant and user-friendly place for us to meet and chat.

    Another feature I like particularly is that you are able to view all the posts on a topic at once. Also when responding to a post, you are able to view a brief synopsis of all posts on that particular topic, the most recent being on top. Great stuff, Simon!!



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