Disassociation Rules Reaffirmed...???

by KissAFish 8 Replies latest social current

  • KissAFish

    Just wondering if this was only a localised event...but knowing the WTS it mustn't be.... I heard thru fellow ex dub... that there was a big HOOOOHAH talk about associating with disassociated and disfellowed jw's..Everyone had "explained" to them the rules regarding"bad associations"...the WTS stand on this is meant to be firming up even more.... My lovely JW sister, who by the way never wants to answer any queries, told me when I asked why the need for more policing, she said if i attacked her"faith" shed have to limit her "association" with me...I gave her a razzberry and said,.naaah... I am not Ds'd or D'ad.. but she said that doesnt matter either...???it just seems like an extra excuse for emotional black mail to me... Did anyone else hear of these talks..>???

    "The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles."
    Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 1966

  • neyank

    Hi KissAFish,

    (Just don't kiss a Piranha fish!)

    That would explain why I have been getting the cold shoulder from the active ones I had been talking to.


  • Elsewhere

    Kiss, here is a thread that has a scanned copy of the article aboutDFed and DAed people....


  • zev
  • KissAFish

    Thanks alot, Elsewhere and Zev..I dont get much time in here.. and dont get to keep up with all the current dub news..

  • KissAFish

    oooh I forgot neyank.. LOL.. Psst I am NOT a piranha.... hehehee

  • minimus

    I heard that the elder that gave the part had somebody answer that "just as with the prodigal son.." Well, the elder stated that NOW the Faithful slave has more understanding on the way to handle disfellowshipped ones and that would basically superscede any thing that prodigal son's father might have done.

  • KissAFish

    Yeah..? I think it is called ..closing ranks... too much "outside views" may make you question your faith....My sister seems on the precipice..she has doubts......but dismisses them....and says "it is so easy to leave", I think in the reverse they make it so hard for people to leave as does every cult...

    "Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.Those who dont believe in magic will never find it."

  • FLDude

    >... the elder that gave the part had somebody answer that "just as with the prodigal son.." Well, >the elder stated that NOW the Faithful slave has more understanding on the way to handle >disfellowshipped ones and that would basically superscede any thing that prodigal son's father >might have done.

    So, by extension, the 'faithful slave' knows better than Jesus who gave the parable? Good point, minimus.

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