Who are you outside of a thought?

by Introspection 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Introspection

    Hi all, I thought this question might be useful for some here, I find it tends to be a powerful tool that points to the fact that we are not the thoughts that tends to bring on depression or what have you. Obviously, if you stop thinking you don't just disappear, and thoughts of course come and go but you are always there.. Anyways, something to consider. You might say this is one of those questions that are not meant for an answer, but I say go right ahead and answer it, if the answer is something outside of a thought.

    By the way, do any of you know what sports psychology involves? I might take a class but don't know if it's worth my time. I'm not interested in the competitive aspect, basically motivation for health and fitness. Thanks.

  • patio34

    Hi Introspection,

    Fortunately, we are more than our thoughts! The class on sports psychology sounds intriguing and should have a lot of application outside of sports. Plus the physical fitness aspect. Speaking of sports, ha-ha, I just got a kickboxing video for fitness and would probably enjoy a class of some sort. It's so much fun to be free now, eh?


  • Introspection

    Hi Pat,

    Yep, the funny thing is sometimes I even have fun being bored, or atleast while I'm not really doing anything. Have fun with the kickboxing tape, I say whatever you can have fun doing is the best exercise. (well.. provided you don't enjoy isolating your pinky in your workout or something ) But in terms of being free, I think I'd have to say being free from 'yourself' is the ultimate freedom.

    I think having gone through my massage therapy training I have a little bit better appreciation of the physical body, whether it's activity or taking care of yourself through diet or what have you. It would be interesting to see how many cases of mental illness can be cured if only people took care of their health generally in this way. Of course, before it can be done people have to be educated, so I would certainly say it's not all about motivation. At the same time, though, it seems it's all too common that many people have an over active mind in the sense of using it when it's not necessary, and sometimes using it to your own detriment, telling yourself stories (and coming up with them in the first place) that simply isn't true and what not. Of course, all I'm expressing is concepts anyways, and concepts only point to the real thing, and this message is ultimately not the important thing. Anyone who reads and becomes satisfied simply because it makes some logical sense probably does not get out enough..

    Edited by - Introspection on 2 September 2002 13:39:28

  • truman

    Who are we outside of a thought? Well....I think, therefore, I am???? I completely agree
    that we do not have to and would be ill-served by defining ourselves by our thoughts of
    depression or negativity.

    But I also believe that we create who we are by our thoughts, as well as molding our life
    circumstances in line with what we feed our subconscious mind. If we consistantly view
    ourselves and our experiences negatively, if we believe in our hearts that we are
    unworthy, ruined, hopeless, whatever, that that is very likely just what we will be.

    Even though thoughts are transitory, and we can learn to let them pass, on the whole I
    think they go a long way toward defining who we are, not in the existence of our physical
    selves, because as you said, we will still exist if we stop them, but they do seem to make
    up the form of our 'selves'.

    We can recreate ourselves by changing our thought patterns, and I personally feel that I
    have done that since leaving the WTS, in a very major way. Not only in mind, but
    physically as well, my body also being affected by my changing thought patterns and my
    altered perception of myself. I am in many respects a very different person than I was a
    year and a half ago, but at the same time, there is a core of me which remains steady, ad
    was throughtout my JW experience of many years, though a large portion of it was not
    given expression in that tightly controlled atmosphere. Thank goodness for a free mind!!

    Please do not take the above as dogmatic. My expressions are always in a state of
    openness to new learning, and respect to the diversity of viewpoints, which I truly believe
    are valuable. These things are too big, and too complex to be pinned down to one and
    only one way of looking at things.


  • Sirona

    Truman: excellent post!!!! I agree totally,

    Introspection: great question!

    I am my essense outside my current thoughts. That which endures at my physical death.


  • Introspection

    Well, I think I would go backwards and say I am, therefore I think. To say I think therefore I am is almost like saying 'I post, therefore I am' - sure that would define you as a message poster, or we can replace any other activity/identity combination there, but I think ultimately our potential is too vast to view things this way. Basically, there's a tendancy of identifying with the product of what you are rather than you, where the thing originated - be it a thought or behavior or whatever. In the past I've been fond of quoting the movie Fight Club to make this point, where he makes statements like those in these articles about body organs written in the first person. "I am Jack's raging bile duct."

    So anyways, another way of pointing to the same thing is if we can shape our lives with our thoughts, then what is it that shapes our thoughts in the first place? See, actually I wasn't only pointing to the physical organism when I say we still exist in the absence of thought, but then again I don't make any separations of body and mind and the like.

    "I am Introspection's message on 'Who are you outside of a thought?' "

    Edited by - Introspection on 3 September 2002 0:51:53


    I am the energy that creates that thought,for myself...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 3 September 2002 0:59:48

  • SPAZnik


    I'm reading a book lately that i think you might enjoy.

    It is called
    TAOSPORTS for Extraordinary Performance in Athletics, Business, and Life"
    by co-authors Chungliang Al Huang and Jerry Lynch.

    It is very psychological. And very practical. Some excellent content, in my opinion, so far.


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