My dearest brother in Christ, Fiver... may you have peace!
Thank you for your "second" witness to the truth regarding what we can/should give for our "friends".
To Paduan and Joe Malik... may you both have peace... and may I take this opportunity to respond to the issue of James, blood and holy spirit? Thank you! (And please forgive that I have started a new thread: I heard... and I obeyed.)
I find it quite wonderful that I was permitted to discuss this very matter and WHY the additional decree by James earlier just this evening. All praise is due to the Most High God, whose name is JAH... of Armies... and His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHJAH... for the revelation of truth, by means of holy spirit!
Dear ones, abstaining from blood was a prohibition under the Law Covenant; however, LOVE... was the Law's FULFILLMENT, as well as the one and only "law" of the NEW Covenant. In that light, when people of the nations (Israelite and non-Israelite - the former being Samaritans, who make up the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel; the second being the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah/BenJahMin (Jews)) were taken into the New Covenant, there were few commandments/prohibitions put upon them, other than to "love God with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength," and "love your neighbor as yourself." On those two alone, "the whole Law" hung, yes? Thus, in whatever one was doing, one must take into consideration God... and one's neighbor.
The Gentiles (which are non-Jews, so that also included Israelites (Samaritans), like Cornelius and his family), had left off living under the Law Covenant when they left off worshipping at the temple in Jerusalem. (That's why the woman at the well, a Samaritan, is recorded to have said to my Lord, "OUR ancestors (talking about her AND his, all 12 tribes) USED to worship in this mountain, but YOU people (the Jews (2-tribe kingdom of Judah) vs. the Samaritans (10-tribe kingdom of Israel) say we ought to worship in Jerusalem (at the temple there)."
In leaving off such temple worship, the Israelite Gentiles (Samaritans) had also left off following many of the commandments of the Law Covenant, including abstaining from blood and eating things sacrificed to idols, etc. And non-Israelite Gentiles also were not circumcised. Now these things were VERY dear and sacred to the Jews, so that when holy spirit was first poured out, one of the things they went around teaching was that everyone needed to get circumcised. BUT... my Lord said nothing of this when he instituted the New Covenant: he gave no commandment.
The Jews, however, having 'weak' consciences, were insisting on it. Well, Peter tried to stop them, but they only listened to him for a short while. After awhile they went right back to requiring it, until Paul and Barnabas heard about it on one of their journeys (the Gentiles told them that some men had come up from Jerusalem and said they needed to be circumcised). Well, Paul and Barnabas decided to journey to Jerusalem to see if this was true, that the Gentiles were required to be circumcised, for they had 'heard' nothing of it from holy spirit.
Once they got to Jerusalem, Paul and Barnabas told the JEWS there who had "received" Christ, by means of having "received" holy spirit, that they had been far and wide and met many Gentiles who also had "received" Christ/holy spirit, and yet, they were not circumcised. And such uncircumcision had no effect on their spirituality. (The issue arose again, so that Paul got angry and said that he wished those who taught it would actually go ahead and just cut off the whole thing - uh, their own, mind you!) So, Paul said he was there to try and help the JEWISH brothers see the "burden" such a requirement would impose. (NOTE: A "Jew" is not just a religion (Judaism), but a nationality - "nation" ality... assigned to those of the "nation" or "tribes" of Judah and BenJahMin.)
Once Paul finished speaking, JAMES made the decision that circumcision was indeed unnecessary. IN ADDITION, however, he "added" a small "burden" to the Gentiles now joined to Jews by means of Christ:
Drinking blood was part of Gentile rituals/traditions, that originally had "religious" meaning (i.e., used in their worship in imitation of the "nation" to which they had been dispersed, Assyria, a very bloodthirsty lot). Over the centuries/milleniums, however, origins get... well, "lost". People forget WHY they do stuff; they just know that they do it, they always have. Much like the Christmas tree today: folks forget where it originated... and WHY. Time passes and people forget.
Anyway, drinking blood to the JEWS, however, was something they just couldn't get past. They were/would have been... STUMBLED... perhaps even drinking themselves... AGAINST THEIR OWN CONSCIENCE... which would have made it a "sin". So... in order to FULFILL THE "LAW" OF THE NEW COVENANT... which is LOVE... JAMES... made a decision. AND... because the decision was BASED ON LOVE... and DECIDED OUT OF LOVE... HOLY SPIRIT CORROBORATED IT!
Thus, when James presented his "decision" to the others, their spirit... BORE WITNESS WITH THE TRUTH of what James intended... to ACCOMMODATE THE JEWS... rather than impose upon their consciences. And... IT WAS BACKED UP BY HOLY SPIRIT! For holy spirit ALWAYS manifests love!
Thus, Paul was also able to tell some to not worry about their consciences but to eat whatever was set before them! Why? Because when offered a meal by someone, one should not... OUT OF LOVE... question the origin of such meal! Why? First, it would be quite rude and ungracious to do so; second, because such rudeness would be UNLOVING; and third, because one could then be guilty of imposing on the conscience of the one providing it!
All things, then, dear ones, we are to do... OUT OF LOVE... IF we truly a party to the NEW Covenant! Thus, if LOVE prompts you to give your life... your BLOOD... for your brother, neighbor, friend... or enemy... then there is NO SIN! For LOVE... is a "fruit" of God's spirit... and against such thing... THERE IS NO LAW! In fact, love... "COVERS A MULTITUDE OF TRANGRESSIONS!"
On the other hand, if LOVE prompts you to ABSTAIN from blood... in any way... because of the CONSCIENCE of another who is just not "there" yet, not ready, willing or able to be "FREE"... then there also is no "sin" in such abstinence! For again, LOVE... was the deciding factor. And against such thing... LOVE... there is NO law!
I bid you all peace... and that you have ears to hear... what the Spirit truly says in regard to this matter, as well as what the Spirit... and the Bride... KEEP saying:
"Come! Take "life's water"... which is the spirit of God... HOLY SPIRIT... which is poured out and granted us by means of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... and which, if we receive it... becomes in us... "a fountain bubbling up... to impart everlasting life..."
Come, all you who are wishing, you who are hearing, you who are thirsting... come...
Take "life's water"... FREE!
A slave of Christ,