Strange Hotmail thing

by expatbrit 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    I received this message in my hotmail inbox this morning:

    The following mail can't be sent to [email protected]:

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: allcookies.indexOf(
    The attachment is the original mail

    It looks like I tried to send a list of my cookies to this relonat address and failed. I know that I did not try to do such a thing.

    Anyone have any idea what this is? How pissed should I be?


  • Mulan

    I have gotten those kinds of emails before. DO NOT open the attachment. I think those are a clever attempt to send a virus.

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    Delete and run away !

    Trojan Alert !

  • Faraon

    I have had McAfee in my computer (the works, virus, firewall, etc). Except for one two weeks ago, I was never warned about other viruses. Last week I was trying to put my emails into a separate folder in order to copy them to a burner, I was warned they had the virus W32/Klez.eml When I right-clicked the emails and went on properties, I noticed that some of them had warnings such as

    1. Date-warning: Date header was inserted by
    2. X-Authentication-Warning: fzaidin set sender to_____ using -f
    3. Warning : fzaidin set sender to _______________ using -f

    Edited to blank source.

    Edited by - faraon on 2 September 2002 11:20:32

  • expatbrit

    I've deleted the damn thing. Thanks guys.


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