Appendixes suck

by Jesus Christ 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    To all of you out there that think dad made us perfectly I'm here to say you're wrong. Humans (and those of us who used to be human) have the most idiotic body part ever imagined called an appendix. You can be going along just like everything is normal and next thing you know you're being wheeled off to the operating room to have your appendix taken out. Not only that but it happens on the Friday before Labor Day effectively throwing off your entire weekend because you have to stay hooked up to an IV and pee in a cup because you can't walk to the bathroom. Since it will take you a while to recover once you're out of the hospital you'll have to cancel your roadtrip to the beach next weekend because you won't feel like driving 15 hours or having salt water get in your wound. To those of you who have had the wonderful experience of having your appendix go bad how long was it until you were back to normal?

    Sorry for venting but my pain killer is wearing off a bit. On the bright side I haven't thrown up in a few hours.................

  • Perry

    Uhhh, hello there Jesus,

    (pronounced "Hey Zeus" in San Antonio),

    I thought after the transfiguration an appendix rupture would be a snap to fix. What happened?

  • Satanus


    Well, i know that you bear the diseases of mankind. It was courageous of you to go through this one. Never having had to go through it, i don't know the recovery time. I was wondering if yours ruptured, or they got it before that happened. Hang in there.


  • DakotaRed

    When I was 18, I had surgery on my right side for another reason. Since I haven't had a problem since, I assume they removed the appendix while they were in there, somethng doctors used to do as a preventive measure. I was told to take it easy for three weeks, but being an energetic 18 year old, was up and about the first week. Of course, the first day or two, I had to force myself to move. The older you are, I think the harder it will be to be active again. So, take it easy and continue to move slowly and lightly. Don't over exert yourself, but don't be completely idle either.

    Even as perfect as you are, your imperfect human body needs time to heal and the muscles have to be relaxed slowly. As for time, it seems to be different for each.

    Lew W

  • Beans

    Oh man I feel your pain!

    I was at hockey on a monday night and came home to watch the football game, sat down grabbed a beer and I started to get this pain. So I thought I had a bad beer and went to bed, got up in the morning and didn`t feel right. It started to get worse and on Wednesday I could bareley walk but I decided to play hockey again that night. Got up the next morning and decided to go the Hospital and after a blood test they weren`t sure either so they did an ultra sound and confirmed it. So I waited until 10:30 that evening to have the operation because our local Hospital sucks. I am sure I was on the boarderline death row man and as the Doctor said to me that the smell didn`t leave his hands for days.

    So to get to your question it took me a good six weeks to get sorta normal again like working and stuff, yeah I lost some weight also and it was about 10 weeks before I could play hockey again. And I really was tired and dragged down for a year, lack of energy!

    Get well soon!


    Canadian Overbeer


    Sorry about the 'bout you're going through with your appendix. On Aug. 30, I posted MY SON HAD HIS APPENCIX OUT. hE'S HAVING A TOUGH GO OF IT. hE CAN'T LIFT ANYTHING OVER 10 LBS. FOR 6 WEEKS. That means he can't work. We do auto body work and he does most of the physical work. So I'm going in for him so he can pay his bills, and he was helping us because my hubby was injured in an accident. He had a case of "I can't poop', that really put him in terrible pain. The meds cause you to get constipated and puts quite a bit of pressure on the surgical spot.

    So I know you are in for a rough ride, but once it's out, you never have to worry about it again.

    Feeling sorry for your pain. ouchie, ouchie, ouchi ouuuuuuuu.


  • bigboi

    May Dad Bless You, JC.

  • KD

    Hang in there Jesus and I hope they got you on "Perks". Don't feel bad. On the 4th of July morning I took my motorcycle out for a short cruise around my town before the start of many projects which I had planned to do for several months. Within 2 minutes of leaving my home and on a quiet empty street, I was broadsided by a senior citizen pulling out of a gas station. Before rolling off his hood, he managed to break my foot in 5 places, snap my ankle in half and dislocated my small toe. (Thank God for steel-toed boots or it would have been worst) Seconds after hitting the payment I looked up and found myself in the other lane with on comming traffic heading towards me. This asshole who hit me sat in his vehicle and did nothing while I crawled acrossed the road to safety. To this day I never saw his face!

    I spent the 4th of July weekend in the hospital and now Laborday weekend has passed. I sit here with my foot resting on a chair, 2 screws in my ankle and my small toe held in place by a steel rod protruding from from the tip of my toe and anckered to my foot bone. It is still uncertain if I will have permanent damage to my foot. I continuously relive in my mind the sound of this person's motor excellerating towards me and then the sound of his brakes squeelling while rolling off his hood and hitting the road.

    But on the flip side you and I are both lucky! Your appendix may have burst, in which case you will have all kinds of trouble like a friend of mine who was out of work for a year. At least now yours is gone and done with. As for me I could be in wheel chair for the rest of my life or even dead. Oh hell, I could even be bothered by Elders sticking their niose in my business and wondering if I had a blood transfusion....Hey...Hey.

    Well Jesus, I wish you the best of luck and good health to you!

  • LB

    Yes they suck. Or do they stink? I get that confused. I had mine burst on me when I was just 9 years old. Old enough to remember but too young to enjoy the pain meds.

    Hope the pain goes away soon.

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