WTS reaffirms Salvation only by Works

by ozziepost 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ozziepost

    In the new Special Assembly Day program, the WTS once again affirms that "true Christians" receive their salvation by their works.

    The theme is "Be Rich in Fine Works" and starts with the circuit overseer discussing what it means to "exert themselves to acquire spiritual riches".

    The Bethel speaker's first talk is "Fine Works in This Time of Harvest" - encouraging the R&F to "share even more fully'.

    The focus on youth's works is in the part "Commending Youths for Fine Works in Praising Jehovah".

    The Bethel speaker's final talk is "Continue in Fine Works and Reap Jehovah's Blessings".

    In announcing the SAD, the August issue of Kingdom Ministry states "the entire special assembly day program will strengthen us to continue pursuing a course that makes us truly rich from the standpoint of our God, Jehovah".

    The emphasis on doing works is far different from the Bible teaching of salvation by grace (undeserved kindness).

    "By this undeserved kindness, indeed, you have been saved through faith; and this is not owing to you, it is God's gift. No, it is not owing to works, in order that no man should have ground for boasting." - Ephesians 2:8,9

    How different it would be if the SAD program dwelt on the undeserved kindness of God!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • AwakenedAndFree

    Hello Ozzie,

    The scriptures show us that everlasting life is a free gift from God to mankind - it is not an earned gift, but a gift given to man by God's loving grace.

    From my observation while I was still an active member, I do not recall the society classifying acts of kindness as works - their emphasis regarding works was always focused on field service "worked hours in the field". Hosea 6:6:" For in loving-kindness I have taken delight, and not in sacrifice; and in the knowledge of God rather than in whole burnt offerings."

    Boasting is very much encouraged within the organization to proclaim their achieved goals. They boast their accomplished goals in their publications as well among themselves. The book of Romans 3:27, 28 says:(27):" Where, then is the boasting? It is shut out. Through what law? That of works? No indeed. But through the law of faith." (28):" For we reckon that a man is declared righteous by faith apart from works of law". The book of Proverbs 27:2 says: "May a stranger, and not your own mouth, praise you; may a foreigner, and not your own lips, do so." The book of Matthew 9:13 says: Go, then and learn what his means," I want mercy, and not sacrifice." For I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners."


  • LDH


    Nice post!

    They could never dwell on "undeserved kindness"--what the other churches call "grace."

    Too many would start "taking advantage of the arrangement," LOL, and quit going in field service.

    And, as Awakened pointed out, they declare themselves righteous with all of thier facts and figures.

    I would like to see someone turn in field service time, counting time donated to community charities. It would be interesting to see if the elders noticed someone NEVER out in field service, yet turning in time.


  • Flip
    How different it would be if the SAD program dwelt on the undeserved kindness of God!

    Yeah ... it would be a whole lot less profitable, financially, for the Watchtower Corporation. Not a whole lot of future corporate growth giving stuff away for free and not expecting a 'donation' in return.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Wait a minute. Hold the phone! You mean I can't earn eternal life in a paradise earth by breaking my neck to make 5 meetings a week, 3 hours of service every Saturday and attending 3 conventions a year ? Who'd a thunk it . . . .

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Assembly day sounds like the salutations at marketplaces where people buy and sell.


  • DannyBear


    When CTRussell interpreted Revelation 21 as a promise of an earthly paradise, the whole 'salvation' thing took on a new meaning. This was finally something anybody could sink thier teeth into. Prior to this one could only visualize or should I say fantasize about heaven, streets of gold etc....now you could taste and feel it. It no longer was remote....liveing forever became a real palpable idea.

    Is it any wonder why so many simply flocked in droves to CT's revolutionary 'new light'? Not. By the time of Rutherford, adherents were falling over themselves to get the work done. My own parents willingly offering themselves up to mob beating's in a small town in Ohio...just to proclaim the message of earthly paradise. Thousands to millions of devote's in a very short time span.

    All of this based upon an interpretation, a vision of what the bible said about salvation. To bolster the promise the WTBS needed to keep the promise alive, what better way than to set time limits on all the sacrifices of time and money involved in obtaining the realization of the promise. In succession all of the presidents realized the need for holding out the 'carrots'....thus the wt societies legacy of failed predictions, unfulfilled promises.

    Now 120 yrs later, they have run out of dates, they have run out of 'carrots'....they have run out of 'new light'...what can they do other than, beat the R&f with guilt and more guilt.

    I believe this one day special assembly, will serve to further depress and discourage the average jw.

    The glory days of 'Adverise, Advertise, Advertise The King and His Kingdom' are gone forever.


  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    How different it would be if the SAD program dwelt on the undeserved kindness of God!

    Yeah, the'd be almost <gasp> Christian!!!


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