July 27th 2015 Australian Royal Commission into Institutional child abuse will be live streaming evidence from two witness victims. You can listen on your computer live streaming from Royal Commission website.
Australian Royal Commission 2 witness live stream
by possum 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
thank you ! -
Thanks for the link I should have done it but am such a Luddite! Famous american judge said that "the best disinfectant is sunshine" Let some (bright) light shine on that organization! Royal Commission has alot of power. Possum -
Thanks for the update -
Possum: "the best disinfectant is sunshine"
I like that. Sure hope Watchtower doesn't find a way to weasel out of this.
Let them get revealed as weasels then. I think its quite fitting that they used to wear placards the "Religion is a Snare and a Racket" how fitting to see how well that applies to them now!!