Notice to all who attend press conferences at KHs

by Littlebit 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Littlebit

    This message is from Bill Bowen to all the good folks who will be at Kingdom Halls tomorrow (Thursday) morning for press conferences:

    Bill asked that in each city, someone please take pictures for silentlambs scrapbook and also to be posted on this site.

    Thank you,

    The middlelady, Littlebit

  • Joyzabel

    Hey Littlebit, how did your news coverage go today?

    Edited by - joy2bfree on 4 September 2002 22:20:22

  • abbagail

    Hi Littlebit: Thanks for the late-breaking news from Bill. I just talked to the contact person in Orlando, and he said Bill was already long gone to Louisville. I hope to make Orlando tomorrow -- weather permitting and tropical depression Eduardo does not mess things up for us down here. And it just so happens I had a new battery put in my 35mm camera earlier today! The Orlando contact plans to take his videorecorder with microphone. Neither of us have lambs to leave (the one I ordered for New York has not yet arrived. If it had I'd take it and use it for Orlando). One newspaper reporter has confirmed he would be there, though 10 other news media were contacted, and said they may or may not show up, depending on any other late-breaking stories, etc. etc.


  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Sounds good. Keep at it! You do not see them except in your mind's eye, but this is helping thousands and thousands of children, even hundreds of thousands! You are our heroes!

  • Littlebit

    If you need to buy a lamb to leave at a Kingdom Hall, many people reported to silentlambs that they found their fluffy stuffed lambs at a WalMart store. That's where the Andersons found adorable lambs.


  • abbagail

    Hey, THANKS Littlebit for that tip about Walmart. I don't ever remember seeing ANY stuffed toys in Walmart, but then again maybe I never looked! I have to drive like 1.5 hours tomorrow morning to get to where the press conf. is going to be, so not sure I will have time to get to Walmart, too (I WILL if I can!). I just emailed the Orlando contact to let him know about Walmart, and maybe he will have time in the morning to check it out. So THANKS for the tip!!!!


  • Trauma_Hound

    Damn no Walmarts close to here.

  • abbagail

    I could kick myself! I totally forgot to take out my camera at the press conference and take still-shots of the reporters interviewing the Brother who conducted the press conference in Orlando, FL! Arrrrgggh! But he had his videorecorder and his wife taped the entire thing, and then we all took still photos back at their apartment. I can't believe what a Ditz I am sometime! And I even got that new battery yesterday put in the camera, and forgot to take it out of the car. Things were a little hectic. Oh well, we DO HAVE VIDEO OF IT!!!! Need a volunteer to take the VCR tape and somehow put it on the internet???

    Also, we did not have time to get any lambs, but the Brother taped posters on the front door of the KHall and the reporters photographed him doing that! LOL!


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