Harry Potter- 2nd movie- Opens in US 11-15-02

by Cappuccino OC 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Hi there,

    I just watched the first movie. I loved it. My daughter also loved it. I just bought her the Harry Potter Book Collection. She loves reading the books.

    How many have read the first book? What is your favorite episode? Do you have a favorite character? Which character do you dislike the most?


  • scootergirl

    My daughter read the book and liked it......we bought the movie, watched it as a family and LOVED it! I have to say, I am anxious for the next movie! I WANT A MAGIC WAND AND A BROOM!

    My favorite character was the little girl......can't think of her name. My 9 year old son thought she was "hot"! LOL

  • Celia

    I just love Harry Potter.

    We discovered the books in 1999, read them all, son, husband and me....

    We own the first movie on video. Went to the theater to see it twice, when it first came out. Can't wait for the next book in the serie, and of course for the next movie !

    BTW, the girl's name is Hermione.

    Edited by - Celia on 5 September 2002 9:55:57

  • CoolBreeze

    Check out this Harry Potter toy. Sounds more like an ADULT toy to me. Scootergirl, you said you wanted a broom, is this what you had in mind?



  • scootergirl

    OH! Collbreeze! I may just have to put that on my "gimme gimme wantme" list! And for the mere price of $19.99!

  • Princess

    A friend of mine bought the broom for her son for Christmas. She said it was kind of weird that a five year old boy loved to ride the vibrating broom and she referrred to it as a "marrital aid". I am forever grossed out by it now.


  • scootergirl

    AND it vibrates? Hot diggity......is most definately getting on my list now! LOL

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Hi Celia, Scooter girl & Princess & Cool breeze,

    It took me a while to get over the 'JW' superstitious beliefs About Harr Potter. I finnally did it & Guess what? NOthing bad has happened to us. I wonder why??? (smiling). I'm free, free, free!

    I won't high jack my own thread.

    I told my daughter that if she wants to dress up for halloween she can. SHe instantly picked Hermione. SHe'll be a cute Hermione.

    I will see the movie on the opening night. So if any JW's want to take my picture go ahead & take it to the local elders. (hee hee)


    PS. Princess tell your Mulan, your mom, I said, "Hi." My e-mail is open,

  • safe4kids

    Hi Capp

    Ain't freedom grand?? My kids and I love the Harry Potter series, although my son who is 11 argues constantly with his 9 year old sister about whether the Lord of the Rings series is better than Harry Potter (*rolling eyes here*). We've all 3 read the books several times and are quite anxious for the next book to be released. And we will definitely be at the opening of the next movie! LOL the day that the first one opened, I took my kids out of school a little early so that we could go see it...they thought that was waaaaaaaay cool

    I'm glad that you are enjoying your new found freedom, Capp. It just gets better and better!


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