I Got 9/11 on My Mind + Kind Words + Photos

by Mister Biggs 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Okay. I wanted to save my 911th post for 9/11 and do a tribute. Obviously, I'm almost a week early but what the heck...I feel like I need to make my tribute today.

    I was at work (probably like most of you on the East Coast) when it happened. My wife was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and her parents' apartment had an awesome view of the WTC. My wife called me up from home (here in Pennsylvania) and said that a plane had crashed into one of the buildings. She was watching it live on ABC and her voice was "excited" because she couldn't believe her eyes. Then, she yells, "Oh, NO! Another plane just crashed into the 2nd building! What is happening?!?"

    At that point, it was obvious that the crashes were no mere accident or coincidence. My wife got off of the phone with me and immediately called her mom.

    Her mom wasn't aware of what just occurred because she was watching TV (she doesn't have cable or satellite) and the channel went dead as soon as the plane hit the 1st building. My wife told her mom to go out on the terrace and look at the WTC. At that point, my mom-in-law was worried and she had to call on her family members in NYC.

    Back to me, at my job, someone had a small, portable TV and about 20 of us huddled around it to see what was happening. Then word came that the Pentagon got hit by a plane and that another plane crashed in Western Pennsylvania (I forget which occurred first, though).

    All of us (me and my co-workers) started to speculate if there would be more hijackings occurring that day or if other buildings or bridges would get attacked.

    An hour or so after the attacks, I went home and watched CNN the rest of the day. The images are still embedded in my head. Explosions, fire, ash, death, injuries, and tears. But, there are some positive things that I will forever remember: Courage, unity, love, leadership, and fearlessness.

    Hopefully, these photos will embody the memories that I (and, no doubt, you) have:

  • Joyzabel

    Thank you Mr. Biggs for sharing your thoughts and especially those pics.

    I agree with you: "there are some positive things that I will forever remember: Courage, unity, love, leadership, and fearlessness." We witnessed humans at their finest after seeing some humans at the other end of the scale.



  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Thanks, Joy!

  • SYN
  • Mimilly

    Mr. Biggs - Thank you for posting this thread. I have set one of the pics to my desktop.

    I don't think all that was and is because of 9/11 can be thought of or felt in one day. I think it is good to be a week in advance in order to digest the thoughts/feelings/emotions/reality one year later.

    Isn't it hard to believe a year has gone by? Perhaps for our generation, that day will always seem like yesterday, a month ago.

    I hope people will remember how we, humanity, pulled together at that time. I hope the younger generation will learn to not wait until a crises to show that spirit of unselfishly being there for others.


  • imanaliento

    thanks for the pics, I will always remember where I was when I heard about the WTC, I cried so hard that whole day my head was sore the next day. It still chokes me up.

  • ashitaka

    A friend of mine was in the train station last night after the Yankees game. He saw two men hugging each other and sobbing. They were dressed like businessmen, like they worked on Wall St. They were standing in front of a tribute of the towers, a model of WTC and a poem.

    He said before he got on the train, he was crying too.


  • ConnieLynn

    Mr Biggs, thank you for the pictures....

    I can't believe 9/11 is almost here. It still feels like an unhealed wound. I remember where I was, what I was doing, just like everyone else. I live on the West Coast, so it was early. I was running on the treadmill and thought the first plane was a horrible accident, maybe the pilot had a heart attack or something, then the second one hit. I cried for days, like everyone. Just when the tears were gone, we found out that (my husband) Steve's college roomie had been on American Airlines flight 11 and had just gotten engaged the weekend before. It just hit home even more. I still think about all those kids who lost parents, and parents who lost children, spouses ect.. Innocent people! It makes me so angry, even now a year later.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Mimilly- Thank you! All of the pictures of the clean-up effort and the statutes and the WTC models were all shot by me in February. It was one of the most saddest and surreal days I have ever experienced.

    [[[[[[[[[[imanaliento, ashitaka, ConnieLynn]]]]]]]]]]]

  • Beck_Melbourne

    It was an unforgettable day...I remember it well. I remember Andy running inside after getting home for nightshift and yelling for me to get up and watch the news, world war III he said. We sat by the TV for the next 3 hrs...I came to work and followed it on the net...I felt so helpless. I still think about those people and their families.


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