It's a small world

by WildHorses 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    As a few of you know, I own a house cleaning business. Last week I recieved a call from a potential client. We set up a time for me to go to her house and give her an estimate.

    I arrived at her house and rang the door bell. When she opened the door, I couldn't help but think I had seen her somewhere before and told her so. She said I looked a little familar too but we couldn't recall where we had met.

    Well, today was the first time I cleaned her house and the whole time I was there we talked. She told me that she moved to her new home from North Raleigh and

    Well, needless to say after I filled her in on the truth about the "truth", including the pedophile issue, she will never become a JW.

    It is a small small world.


  • waiting

    What an "upbuilding experience!"

    I will have those dumb jw saying implanted for the rest of my friggin' life!

    My sister, Patio, just told me one similar to yours.....the new receptionist in her office is being spoken of as "sooooooo friendly and nice." And then the shoe dropped, the receptionist let everyone know she's a jw. Strange co-incidence? I think so.

    I mentioned this on a thread at Bboy's - I've tried to email you twice now, and it says that your account is not going through. Would you email - got something you might be interested in, being that you live in the Carolinas too.


  • WildHorses

    Hi waiting,

    I just sent you an e-mail. I hope it makes it's way to you.


  • FiveShadows

    ooooooooooooh did you get a raise?

  • Solace

    Wow Shari,

    That is weird. I'll bet she was relieved you werent going to offer her personal bible study this time around.

    Waiting, "What an upbuilding experience" Cute Yes, J.W.ey but still cute.

  • minimus

    This Experience was obviously a result of angelic direction.

  • SPAZnik

    LOL minimus.


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