Anyone heard this one??
The old couple that was killed by Martin Bryant at the end of the Port Arthur massacre were a return visit (or were studying with the JW's) and that 2 JW's were walking on their way to visit them (get this...) they stopped for 5 minutes to witness to a man (supposedly this was setup by angels) or they had a doorstep study for 30 minutes and they were late (This story changes depending on who you ask...) anyway, they arrived later than they should of, only to find that Martin Bryant had killed the old couple and had burnt down their house and the police had arrested Martin.
The story goes that had they arrived any earlier they would of been killed by Martin Bryant.
Thank God for Angels....
From AK
Edited for spelling mistakes...
Edited by - theapostateak on 5 September 2002 19:50:2
Edited by - theapostleak on 5 September 2002 19:51:11