Referring to the thread at
I think it is not very likely that the world situation will develop to a state where the wt would give the command for jw's to kill apostates. My goal is not to fan fear among xjw's, but to highlight the hate on which the wt's message is based. The world is becoming a better place every day.
I don't anticipate any order coming from the top to physically attack "apostates". There wouldn't have to be one. If you haven't read the first article in Saint Satan's thread then go back and read it. Glaringly contradictory. First they say that Jesus said to love your enemies and continue to pray for them, then a little later they say to hate those who oppose "The Organization".
There's no need for any official direction from Brooklyn. Just look at the fact that Bill Bowen has had threats and trespassers. (Vandalism too, if I'm not mistaken) There's plenty of other stories of spying, stalking, basically intimidation. Local congregations and individual dubs can take matters into their own hands and I doubt they'd be treated as harshly as a pedophile.
There's just too many fanatics "in there". The fanatics who aren't window washers and janitors may very well work for the bank, the post office, the phone company, the electric company, get the picture? Think they don't know who or where you are? Think again. Think they can't make your life hell? Think again!
Ever posted names of dubs (other than known pedophiles) here? Did you ever consider the consequences? If you'll notice, I've removed my name from my profile and when posting about family members or friends "still in" I don't use their name or relation to me. Posting your real face in your profile pic? Just who's going to see it and maybe rat you out? I think that's happened a time or two.
It's time to tighten up security just a little. Think before you type. When you're posting, remember that someone at Bethel may be reading that post and putting info into a file somewhere.
Col. "Bendrr", [classified]