The U.S.A., Irak, and The Fall of Rome...

by Explorer 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Explorer

    The U.S.A. should have taken Saddam Husseim out of business WHEN it was right to do it. But NO, they had to do the way they ALWAYS do. They had to play their STUPID international CHESS game thinking Saddam was usefull to keep a political balance in the region.

    It HAS happened over and over again in U.S.A. History. The stupid cowboys running the White House ALWAYS end up fighting the CRIMINALS they were in bed with before, or they tolerated for political reasons.

    Take for instance Nicaragua. Jimmy Carter let the Sandinistas take over Nicaragua, just to find out later they were backed by the Soviet Union and Cuba. Then the next imbecil in office ( Reagan ) had to spend years fighting the new goverment in Nicaragua, selling arms to Iran to support financially a guerilla war against Nicaragua, and lying to Congress about it. Oh...there was a hero here, Oliver Nort, he blamed himself and protected the King.

    Even Cuba revolution led by Fidel Castro was seen as O.K. by the jerk at the Oval Office at that time, just to fight Fidel for decades later.

    The U.S.A politicians claims now Iran is part of a so called axis of evil. Poor imbecil bastards...Reagan armed Iran while this country was at war with Irak. U.S.A. politicians are like whores, they go to bed with anyone, leave apart human rights they so much claim to embrace, in order to play the game the american people and the rest of the world end up victims of later on.

    U.S.A. politics are NOW in bed with Russia. Take my word...the whole world will pay the consecuences for this.

    Let's face it. The actual WAR the world has been led to by the U.S.A. can not, and will not be won at any time. Why? because the enemy feeds from the western world sins, which in the end will mark the fall of the U.S.A. EMPIRE.

    Same thing happened to Rome. The empire was rotten inside, the cancer of corruption had eaten up every healthy cell of it, and replaced it with every sort of decadent values. Forget about family, forget about God. The emperor WAS GOD. The U.S.A. president NOW can push the button without even asking Congress about it...

    Family values in the U.S.A. are history. Corporations and politicians run the country, and are leading it into financial caos. Circus and Bread held together the Roman Empire in its final stage. What a great Circus the Global WAR against terrorism is!!!, but...Will it be enough bread to feed the masses for long? Will the U.S.A. economy have a different end than the Soviet? Time WILL TELL...

    History is a CYCLE though...Empires DO fall, and new empires rise instead. Ask the Romans, they can tell.

  • ThiChi

    where is "Irak?"

  • Explorer

    Dear ThiChi :

    Irak is the spanish form of the country you MIGHT have heard of as Iraq. English is just my second languaje, sorry...We can take this discussion in spanish too whenever you can follow me.

    Greetings from outside of The Empire.

  • ThiChi

    Dank you

  • ThiChi

    Are all the other nations you list are spelled the same way in your language? Just trying to learn!

    Edited by - thichi on 6 September 2002 13:2:19

    Edited by - thichi on 6 September 2002 13:3:2

  • Explorer

    Spanish English

    Nicaragua Nicaragua

    Rusia Russia

    Iraq Irak

    Rome Roma

    Cuba Cuba

  • Satanus

    The term 'war on terrorism', repeated over and over, ad finitum, is really a marvel. It says a lot:

    1. The war is not against people.

    2. the war is not against countries.

    3. The war is not itself, a terrorist act.

    4, The current aggressors are not terrorists.

    5. The war is against an idea. Where ever that idea is claimed to be, the war machines can go.

    I wonder which add agency dreamed up 'the war on terror'?

    Some random thoughts by SS

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