November 1999 Kingdom Ministry Up

by Stephanus 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    This is the first real sign of the 'Tower's increasing fear of the Internet - the dangers of the internet are covered in graphic detail. There's no mention of Watchtower trolls sending viruses to try and shut down this site, however. Must have slipped their minds...

    There'll be another KM up in a few days and I may start archiving the previous issues. Trolls and other internet terrorists just never get it - their actions do more for the apostate cause than the apostates themselves could dream of doing.

  • jst2laws


    I covered half of this insert. It was a turning point for me. I was already having problems with instructions talks on the Kingdom Proclaimers book with their convoluted presentation of history. Then this insert. I knew they were afraid of something so I started investigating.

    I did a good job on the insert like a loyal dub though.


    Edited by - jst2laws on 6 September 2002 20:50:37

  • orangefatcat

    that kills me, they warn about the dangers of the internet and apostates and yet Simon has proved to us that the troll in here. they are themselves hypocrites. they are as Christ says, "do you say do this and that and yet you do not do it yourself."

    i must have been wearing blinders for 37 years.

  • Swan

    My thoughts on these paragraphs:

    5. Bombs? Violent and pornographic web sites? Please, I'm too busy togo to those sites and have more interesting places to go, like support group sites for people recovering from toxic religious cults!

    7. Yes, the dangers of email are very real. In fact, the same kind of information can be sent to your home now via a postal employee. Don't you thing the GB should have JWs remove their mailboxes next? You can't get the WT and Awake by snail mail any more, so why would any Christian want such an extravagence as a mailbox. Why, you can even get anthrax from snail mail. Surely if you can get AIDS from loose conduct and blood transfusions, you would also want to consider the other deadly threats such as anthrax in your mail. Nail up your mail slot. Remove your mailbox!

    8. Hahahahaha! The pot calling the kettle black! We don't want to pass on misinformation, like vaccinations can cause you to commit immorality, that long exposure to the sun is healthy, and that aluminum is the Devil's metal.

    10. Hey, that's actually a pretty good idea. Has anyone here thought about doing this? Come to think of it, those JW sites are snoozers. It sure would get boring after awhile.

    Come to think of it, the rest of this stuff is pretty boring too. They go one to talk about "apostate" propaganda, blah, blah, blah. They have the one true propaganda, blah, blah, blah. I just can't take it any more. Thanks Stephanus, but I just can't stomach any more of this tonight. This stuff is toxic all at once.


  • Stephanus

    Sorry to do that to you Tammy! LOL Because I never lived through it, I can almost stomach reading a KM - to me they're a literary curiosity, not the words claimed to be from God's throne. I'll probably start archiving the old issues so that people like yourself who are a little too sensitive to read it all at once can do so over time.

  • dsgal

    Is the July service report for real?Only some 123,000 publishers in the United States?Last I knew of in January there were over 900,000.

  • dsgal

    I just went back and took a second look.Didn't realize it was 1999.Still seems like a low number to be that recent.

  • dsgal

    Never mind,I just went back and saw it was for Britain.D'oh!

  • ballistic

    Does the latest Watchtower library have kindom ministries?

    I have the Watchtower library from 1995 and that has kingdom ministries from 1970 - 1995.

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