Andersons Canadian trip paid for by donations

by Littlebit 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Littlebit

    Right now the Andersons, through silentlambs, have received $175. in donations to be used to pay their expenses when they go to the Vickie Boer trial in Canada. In addition, one very kind XJW is paying for their stay at a downtown Toronto hotel near the courthouse and has offered a little bit of cash for food, etc. The Andersons are driving from Tennessee and think the $175. should take care of the majority of their expenses going to Canada and coming back home. If not, silentlambs will reimburse them.

    To all of you who have so kindly donated to silentlambs in the past, thank you so much. It is from loving contributions like the ones that came in for Anderson's trip to that victims are now getting assistance in many ways.

    The Andersons want to take this opportunity to thank all those who opened up their hearts and homes in Canada but the distance to the courthouse from most homes was a problem. Their stay will be so brief, and due to the uncertainty of when Barbara will be called to testify, they felt it would be better to be close by to the courthouse in downtown Toronto.

    Let it be here known how much the generous support for silentlambs, not only financially, but in so many other ways is contributing to accomplishing the goal of silentlambs, that is to make a difference in the lives of long-ignored JW victims of child sexual abuse. Silentlambs and its volunteers are involved in lawsuits, marches, press conferences, giving financial aid to those who need help to tackle the Watchtower in a public way, etc. You all are to be commended.

    In two years, what the silentlambs organization has accomplished due to the sacrifices of so many people, but especially Bill and his supportive wife, is remarkable. Never before has Watchtower taken such a public relations beating, and soon, we hope, they will take a financial beating as victims win their lawsuits against such an uncaring religious organization. Taking on a religion that hides its dirty deeds behind the First Amendment is no small challenge, but silentlambs and its supporters are making considerable headway in unveiling Watchtower for what it is -- a greedy, corrupt religious system that cares only for its own survival, and not for the welfare of its members. And most especially not for its members' children who have been left unprotected from devious perverts because of ridiculous Watchtower rules and precepts.

    Thank you everybody from silentlambs. We are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel now. We are making headway. Let's keep pushing like our dear Hawkaw does, a man who has never been a JW, but a man who knows corruption when he sees it and has vowed to help the oppressed XJW community to right the wrongs done to them. With friends like Hawkaw, how can we lose!

    Littlebit speaking for the Andersons and

  • orangefatcat

    Littlebit, When is the trial to begin? And thank you for the information and updates. I live in Newmarket and I would love to go to the trial.


  • Scully


    The proceedings begin at 10am on Monday, September 9, 2002; Courtroom 4-4, 361 University Avenue, Toronto.

    I'll be watching for you on TV!!

    Love, Scully

  • Nanoprobe

    Littlebit is so sweet and appreciative but I don't think $175.00 is enough money to travel to Canada. SO

    I challenge everyone: Let's double that amount

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    OK, Nanoprobe.

    I'll take your challenge.

    I've sent SilentLambs a contribution under my "street" name.

    I would encourage folks not to think it is "too late" to donate - it isn't, because your donation can be used to offset the amount that SilentLambs would otherwise be picking up.

  • Nanoprobe

    I doubled my original contribution.

    Who else is willing to throw in a few more dollars?

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