Ozzies, Duck!

by Nathan Natas 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Boulder-Size Meteor Almost Struck Australia-Media
    Thu Sep 5,11:37 PM ET

    SYDNEY (Reuters) - A large meteor possibly the size of a boulder came close to striking the earth in South Australia state on Thursday night, local media reported on Friday.

    Residents of Goolwa and Victor Harbor, south of the state capital Adelaide, inundated police with reports of a flash of blue light, smoke trails and two sonic booms.

    Bryan Boyle of the Anglo-Australian space-watching telescope in the eastern state of New South Wales told the Australian Broadcasting Corp that the sightings suggested the object was a meteor which came within 19 miles of the ground.

    "Occasionally you get a very large size of rock, the size of a stone up to a boulder, and they only occur one at a time," he said.

    Having worked all night, Boyle was unavailable for comment early on Friday.

    Residents of South Australia said they heard a whoosh.

    "It came straight over the top and left a huge smoke trail and there was two huge sonic booms afterwards," a man named Ken told ABC. "It was incredible."

  • hillary_step
    Residents of South Australia said they heard a whoosh.

    Must be the effects of the Shiraz that our Ozzie has been imbibing....lol


  • imanaliento

    Aussie's duck

    I thought you were gonna talk about Mr. Osbourne and the family duck, lol

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well if it nearly landed in South Australia it wouldnt be any loss. Nothing there worth worrying about, their football teams suck.

    This team however, does not suck. LYNCH-EEEE!!!!

    Akermanis . The lil fella.

    VOSS!!! The one true God.

    Leppitsch. The greatest Centre half back in history.

    dazza White. The "rubber man"

    Edited by - refiners fire on 7 September 2002 18:0:51

  • ISP

    Hey I thought that was not meant tp happen.......the universe is in perfect harmony etc etc.


  • ozziepost

    Hey I thought that was not meant tp happen.......the universe is in perfect harmony etc etc

    It missed, didn't it?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Mackin

    I'm beginning to get worried.

    Next week I'm travelling on an airline that regularly has bits of the wings fall off their planes (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=2397089&thesection=news&thesubsection=general) to a country that's getting pelted by meteorites.

    I think I'll stay home hiding under the bed.



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