Dears Friends and Brothers and Sisters.
I must communicate an important fact, that is succeding from Italy.
I have started, with many others brothers and sisters, a new economic system for survive in the next great tribulation added with this mondial economic recession.
"New Light" delibrate of unite these bad conditions, with the near jehovah day.
In revelation is wrote, that those economic conditions are be arrived, and all Jheovah's witnesses, must live with the nations this situation.
Always New Light delibrate that all us, must give power to another global economic system, for survive in these conditions.
From 1998, i have sustained, that the MIllenium Bug (Y2K) have actived this negative economic spiral, with many comunications to CD to Brooklyn and Rome, but they have felt not important.
With many brothers and sacrificies, i have done start this new economic system.
Actually is present in to 22 nations, but it find many difficulties, for his expansion. ( this because go against the bank monetary system ).
From Italy we have adjusted and improve this system, but we are still many little persons, that give power it.
The beast 666, have a project for to do all us slaves of she.
We Jehovah's Witnesses, don't must become his puppets, and must be completely separated from she.
The poverty is his objective.
She want bring all the men in poverty extreme, for keep in possess the live of all men.
This new type of modern slavery, not is approved from Jehovah, and we His servers, must to be separated from the beast.
We must to be only from part of Jehovah God.
( Romans 12:1-2 ).
We, that have known the truth, must be actives and ready for be Christians free completely.
Visit this web site of Italian brothers engaged in this community.
Enrico Frassinetti