DAKOTA RED gave out some rules to date ones daughter by but I do not see any rules to date moms and or dads by --- I have not taken this up with my daughter LISA as of yet soo if any folks out there have any valid suggestions speak now or forever hold your peace ! :) lov ya ((((HUGS)))) in advance..QUEENIE aka LINDA LOU
by QUEENIE 1 Replies latest jw friends
For dating a Dad:
1. Believe him when he says most teenage boys are horndogs. He was one once himself. If he says he wasn't he is a liar.
2. Learn tact. Never mention Dad's age and waistline are racing neck-and-neck with each other.
3. Realize that if Dad thinks a six-pack and a hot dog are a seven course meal, everyone's got the right to their own opinion.
4. See number two. Dad isn't fat; he's running a profit calorie-wise like businesses do with cash.
5. Remember that though Dad busts his hump in a factory and isn't a spoiled-rich frat boy like Bill Gates, he looks like he can afford a haircut.
6. What's wrong with a ringside seat at a wrestling Battle Royal held in a mud pit? Are you allergic to soap?
7. Just because jeans with holes in them are the in thing doesn't mean Dad's being mean when he says you look like you survived a near-miss by a tactical nuclear warhead.
8. Okay, so Dad doesn't drive a car made during your lifetime, but you shouldn't think "used" is the same as "prehistoric."
9. "Indecent Proposal" wasn't exploitative; it's an example of capitalism in action.
10. Always remember your Dad has "been there, done that" and he's trying his hardest to make sure you get a better shot at life than he did.