Fighting Irish Star Brandon Hoyte Is A JW

by ErieGuy 4 Replies latest social physical

  • ErieGuy
  • Thirdson

    At Notre Dame, quarterbacking only the defense was one of his easier adjustments. The year before Hoyte came to America's foremost Catholic institution, where religion is often worn on the jersey sleeve, he was baptized as a Jehovah's Witness. He has been quoted as saying, "Religion is the No. 1 thing in my life, along with my family.''

    He doesn't attend team Mass with the rest of the Irish, but worships with his teammates at a non-denominational fellowship period on Fridays.

    I wonder how religion can be his number 1 thing or whether it has slipped. I find it hard to believe that a college athelete, who has to study and make the grades and has to attend football practice is still going to be able to attend meetings, let alone do all the other JW stuff. Not joining the team mass is one thing but any interfaith, non-denominational or not is still a no-no to JWs. Besides JWs don't believe in praying for guidance and strength in football games, unless this has changed.


  • Thirdson

    I guess for a baptized JW, Notre Dame is a better choice than Brigham Young.


  • avengers
    Senior Member
    Posts: 100
    Since: Jul 15, 2002
    Re: Lawrence Hughes Filing Lawsuit Against WBTS Sep 8, 2002 08:47


    As you continue to clearly demonstrate, YOU ARE AN IGNORANT FOOL, who now is contaminating a serious thread with your usual horseshit.

    I will not waste further time posting on your and DedFool's Masonic, illuminati or other ludicrous threads.

    ANYONE, and I repeat ANYONE who repeats that the WTS participates in any fashion in the manufacturing of miltary equipment, OR that the WTS "owns miliary stocks" is nthing but an IGNORANT FOOL. The fact that you and others are willing to misinterpret internet info so as to mislead uneducated people who will "bite" at anything potentially negative about the WTS MAKES YOU LOWER THAN BUG SHIT, not to mention that the WTS is now able to use your drivel to PROVE that "apostates" will use any means to falsely slander the WTS.

    As I have stated previously, I don't condone the WTS's "conditional ownership" of stock in a corporation which in turn owns stock in another corp, which in turn owns stock in another corp that does military business. THOSE FACTS are sufficient for me to conemn the WTS.

    But, NO, simply explaining the TRUTH is not good enough for you scumbags. NO, you have to turn TRUTH into a LIE.

    Well, go shit in your own house, and leave this righteous thread alone.

    Hello Erie!! How are you? You are a nice guy.

  • ErieGuy

    Avengers, DedDaisey, and Gerard are LYING FOOLS, who are the the BEST ALLIES the WTS has on the internet.

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