Well many have talked the talk, are you willing to walk the walk? Below is program anyone can do in your local community. We would like to see every Kingdom Hall presented with a stuffed lamb and press statement before the march in Brooklyn on the 27th. How about all the Kingdom Halls in your area? Follow the instructions below, email me if you want one sent to you directly. This can certainly help bring larger publicity to the march and if you are unable to attend, it offers something you can do locally to support silentlambs. This is a part of history that will be remembered for years to come, please do not miss this opportunity to be part of it.
This is the announcement press packet for the local Kingdom Hall press release. The top page goes out two days in advance to all media in your local area. TV, Radio, Newspaper, etc.. Call and get fax or email along with who the religion reporters are. Send this to news room fax or assignment desk to their attention. Put a local telephone number and name as a contact person above my name. Call the local reporters and tell them you are going to deliver the lamb, which Kingdoms Halls along with when and where. The next two pages are to press conference statements are simply delivered with the lamb and stuck on the front door handle. Do all the Kingdom Halls in your area. When reporters arrive, why not stand under the local through? If JWs order you off the property make them do it in front of the reporter. Then explain this is much the same as child rape victims are treated within the congregation. Then simply go to the sidewalk or by the sign in front of the Kingdom Hall and offer to answer any questions about the purpose of the march and why we are delivering lambs to Kingdom Halls. Give the reporter a copy of what you are leaving at the Kingdom Hall. Mid morning is a good time as typically no one is there and if you are asked to leave then the press will get it on film. Do not be angry or abrasive to any JWs you may meet, be kind and cordial to any requests. If confronted by elders you might try to mention this is about protecting children from child abuse and do they mind if you make a few brief comments to the press statement? If they say no then ask them where you could stand, put them on the spot. Remember sidewalks are public property and can be used as a last resort. Kingdom Hall signs are often located near the sidewalk, stand as close as possible if a reporter wants to talk to you. If you are having supporters with you have them make up posters that say-silentlambs-protect children-stop child molesters-end the silence-or words to that effect.
Answer any questions and then ask if they want to follow you to the next Kingdom Hall. Answer questions as you would for a representative for the silentlambs organization. Say at silentlambs we do this or that try to include the name in the sentence. Also say the words Jehovahs Witnesses as much as possible. Say leadership when you refer to the governing body.
Wait for reporters to arrive speak briefly with them and tell them what you are going to do. Lead them to the drive through and place a stuffed lamb on the front door. If JWs are there hand it to them and say it is a gift from silentlambs and you want them to pass it on to the elders. If they refuse just sit it by the front door. Remember let them lose their cool but you keep yours. I do not think there will be JWs around but be prepared just in case. After delivering the lamb give the reporters a copy of the statement left on the front door and ask if they have any questions. Be sure and highlight the purpose of the march in and the indictment of the governing body for hurting children.
Remember this is your opportunity to so something to be proud of; youre speaking up for children. Your efforts will protect children that have yet to be born.
Sex Abuse Victims and Advocates Deliver Stuffed Animal to Local Jehovah's Witnesses Churches across America
Announce Nationwide First Ever March for Jehovahs Witness Child Rape Victims
New Support Group Seeks Investigation of Church Hierarchy
WHAT:At cities across America local Kingdom Halls of Jehovahs Witnesses will be visited by representatives for silentlambs to deliver a stuffed lamb as a symbol of innocence lost, also adults molested as kids by Jehovah's Witnesses and advocates will deliver a formal request from the silentlambs organization for a church hearing to investigate possible criminal cover-ups by the denominations leadership for Jehovahs Witnesses the Governing Body. They will deliver a copy of a press release delivered to Kingdom Halls at 16 major cites across the US last week. The release announces a national march for molestation victims at Jehovahs Witnesses home office in Brooklyn, scheduled on September 27th.WHEN:
(fill in dates, times and places here, you can list the sequentially-example-10:30am-11:00am- see locations below.
(give your name and whether you are an abuse survivor or advocate, if you do not wish to use your name that is fine just say abuse survivor or advocate for children that will be delivering the information)
Give the details of where each Kingdom Hall is located asin this example)Jehovahs Witness Kingdom Hall,
Directions: From Interstate 65: Take exit 125 onto Gene Snyder Freeway west. Go ten miles to 31W (). Turn left at traffic light toward . Go 1.4 miles to (Moby Dick fish place on the right), turn right, go one mile to , then turn left. Kingdom hall is 2/10 of a mile on the right.
This is a continuation of the first public event ever for child rape victims of Jehovahs Witnesses. According to William H. Bowen founder of silentlambs, We allege that Watchtower has established a child abuse policy that has ignored abuse survivors, protected child molesters and disfellowshipped those who have tried to support them. This will be a public statement that leadership for Jehovah s Witnesses (Governing Body) must stop hurting children. Silentlambs is formerly requesting the church to establish a tribunal to prosecute the Governing Body for their crimes against children.
Contact: (put your contact information here, use mine below)
www.silentlambs.org, William H. Bowen: 270-527-5350, cell 270-559-5345
silentlambs, inc.
For Immediate Release
We are here to speak out for victims of child rape who have been silenced and now know they have a right to speak out. We call them silentlambs. The house of worship situated in your local community is directed by a group of 11 men who hold legislative, executive, and judicial power over a world-wide religious order known as Jehovah's Witnesses. These men, who are known as a Governing Body (leadership) for 6 million Jehovah's Witnesses world-wide, have chosen to defend an indefensible regulation that has led and continues to lead to unimaginable damage to children who have suffered or who are now suffering sexual abuse.
Today we are here to announce the first ever nation-wide march for Jehovah's Witness child rape victims. On September 27th at 2pm, at Jehovah's Witnesses' headquarters in Brooklyn, abuse survivors and supporters will come from around the world to let the Jehovah's Witnesses' leadership (Governing Body) know we will no longer be ignored. We are angry at being silenced when we tried to speak out about abuse; we are outraged that we were disfellowshipped when we spoke out to protect children. Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body policies have hurt thousands of children; by their actions they appear to have no remorse; they have made no apology, but instead have sent henchmen in congregations like this to excommunicate victims and advocates who spoke out for children. At least the Catholic Church has ta steps in the right direction for addressing abuse issues but Jehovah's Witnesses leadership, by their actions, appear to think they are above the law and will punish anyone who says different.
In a statement made to media dated February 7, the head of the PR Department for Jehovah's Witnesses, J. R. Brown states, "Our Governing Body is willing to resolve differences of opinion within the framework of the congregation and according to Scriptural principles." For these reasons we are asking that a board of key men be selected from within the church to serve as judges. On September 27, in , we will bring dozens of eye-witnesses to testify regarding the harm Watchtower policy has caused by requiring two eye-witnesses to verify child molestation allegations. How often does a child have an eye-witness when they are being raped? We ask them to hear our witnesses and if their testimony proves true the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses (Governing Body) should either be sanctioned or dismissed from their positions.
Today I am here to represent those with many faithful years of service as Jehovah's Witnesses. We are here to deliver a message for the children. Last week twelve lambs were delivered to the Jehovah's Witnesses leaders known as the Governing Body. Later that same week in St Louis, Dallas, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Orlando, Tampa, Nashville, Louisville, etc.in these major cites across a symbolic lamb is being left at a Kingdom Hall. Today we leave a lamb at this Kingdom Hall as a reminder for those who have been silenced by Watchtower policy when they were raped.
It is bad policy that requires unauthorized untrained men to illegally investigate the crime of child molestation.
It is bad policy that appoints child molesters as elders after 20 years of not getting caught again.
It is bad policy that puts child molesters in a position to go to any home in on an annual basis accompanied by fellow members who do not even know what they have done.
It is bad Watchtower policy that remains unchanged due to the inaction of Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body after silentlambs, along with thousands of abuse survivors, have begged for almost two years now, for needed changes.
Each person who participates in this effort across , at one time, had great love for the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses; we are saddened that we are forced to take this action due to the stubborn actions of prideful men who lead this church. The Jehovah's Witnesses' leadership (Governing Body) must change their policy and must apologize to the victims whose lives their policies have destroyed. On September 27th many arrive in good faith to make testimony to the public and testify before Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body to give closure to victims and protect our children.
Victims who have been painfully conned and threatened out of their innocence by child molesters are now being conned and threatened into silence by the local representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses' leadership in Kingdom Halls such as this one around the world. These men consistently teach their adherents that humility is the course of wisdom yet they arrogantly stick to an unwise course that punishes their most precious members. On September 27th in Brooklyn , we will begin a peaceful march at Pierpoint Place and Columbia Heights. We will end the march at the front door of home office of Jehovah's Witnesses. We officially invite any who decry the abuse of children to join silentlambs in this peaceful demonstration to push for a change in policy to protect the children. We encourage all abuse survivors to speak out and never allow anyone to make you a silentlamb.
silentlambs, inc, .
Telephone: 270-527-5350 Fax: 270-527-5351
Hotline for Jehovahs Witness victims of abuse
Edited by - silentlambs on 8 September 2002 13:38:0