With the upcoming march and on going press conferences about the BORG - What role will silentlambs play in JW's bible prophecy?
Peace - LL
by Larry 9 Replies latest jw friends
With the upcoming march and on going press conferences about the BORG - What role will silentlambs play in JW's bible prophecy?
Peace - LL
The Society will likely ignore it as much as possible. But, they will allude to it in "Fuzzy" terms at District Conventions and maybe Circuit Assemblies when dealing with issues of loyalty, faith in the organization, etc. It is possible, especially if the news get really big, to treat the whole saga as evidence of how deep we are in this time of the end ... with persecution and rampant apostasy. It will be interesting to see what happens.
Bill Bowen is disfellowshipped and now considered "apostate",EVERY scripture that talks about apostates, those causing divisions,false brothers, etc. will point to the Scriptures being fulfilled. And if he gets obstinate sounding,that will even be better to talk about such "ridiculers".
Perhaps the guy who wrote "The REPORT" (he calls himself TWMC) will find a way to explain it.
SilentLambs is a "Jeroboam" class and the current GB is a "Rehoboam" class.
Like everything else, it is all Bible-Based (TM).
Edited by - Nathan Natas on 8 September 2002 22:29:22
Can we all say P-e-r-s-e-c-u-t-i-o-n????
ANOTHER sign of the "Last Days".
Come on you didn't know this already??
If they had any sense it would be a cry for help and should tell them they are wrong, but they don't listen to "apostates".
Bill can be part of the evil slave class who said that the master was taking a long time, so he started hanging w prostitutes (apostates), getting drunk (spiritually). He became proud, discontent to serve shoulder to shoulder w his brothers (pedo elders). Then he started beating his fellow slaves (pedo elders, and wt headquarter guys who protect them). When the master (jesus) comes back (in a few million years or so), the master will cut him in pieces and put him in the same place as the apostates go (nonexistence).
'There is nothing covered over that won't be uncovered' and brought to light!
Outaservice (who hates 'apostates', especially those living in Brooklyn)
I agree with everything you guys said is exactly how Crooklyn will look upon the SilentLambs situation... but on a little more positive note, I like to think of us "apostates" as the LEPERS sitting on the OUTSIDE of the city walls (2 Kings 6:8-7:20) who, when the King's arm guard DOUBTED and did NOT ACT on Elisha's prophecy that SOMETHING was going to happen, the Four LEPERS were the ones who walked to the enemy camp and reaped the BENEFITS before the others who stayed "holed up" inside the city walls. And the king's arm guard who DOUBTED Elisha, ended up TRAMPLED UPON and dead in the end.
This bit of scripture concerns the famine when the Israelites were "CONSUMING Their Own CHILDREN."
Another part I could relate to was when the Four LEPERS, sitting OUTSIDE the city walls, said to themselves, "If we go INTO the city we will die (from the famine), and if we stay out HERE we will die from the famine. So we MIGHT AS WELL walk on over to the enemy camp and if they feed us, we will live. If they kill us, THEN we will die." (i.e., AT LEAST THEY WERE WILLING TO TRY rather than SIT on their butts, WAITING on Jehovah all the while continuing to Consume Their Own Children! ---- Additionally, the Lepers are like the DF/DA'd ones: If we sent back to the KHalls, we would die from the things going on there; and if we stay "out here" we will die per the JW's opinion; so we might as well Do What We Can and go face the "enemy" and see what happens.)
One more great part of these scriptures: Jehovah made the mere eight feet of these four lepers walking along the road SOUND LIKE A GIANT ARMY of horses and chariots THUNDERING toward the enemy camp. I'd like to think of the LAMBS ROARING as having the same effect!
The "four lepers" IDENTIFIED -
* SilentLambs
* The UN scandal
* The military stock scandal
With tongue in cheek,
Hey Nathan! Right on!
Good thinking!
By the time ALL of the scandals come to light (I'm sure there's lots more in waiting), we may have up to a dozen LEPERS on our side, eh?
#5 - "New Light" = BUSTED! once and for all time.