Need Suggestions: WT Victims' Memorial Garden

by Scully 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    I posted an idea on this thread last night.

    I thought it would be a very worthy cause to open a Memorial Garden or Park for anyone who was a victim of WTS policy on blood/organ transplants. The more I thought about this, the more I realized the potential to open this up to people who lost a family member to suicide as a result of shunning/DFing, and even to survivors of WTS policy on child sexual abuse.

    A Memory Garden would give the family a place to visit in peaceful surroundings to remember their loved one. There would be a tree or rosebush or whatever the family chose to commemorate their loved one, along with a small plaque with the person's name, dates of birth/death and cause of death.

    A "victory" garden gives a once-silenced lamb a place to come and reflect on positive growth they've experienced despite their tragic experiences.

    While I think it's a worthwhile undertaking, I also realize that I don't have the resources to start something concrete. Is this something that's feasible on a national or international scale?

    I wonder if there's some way of creating a virtual garden like this??

    What would be involved?

    Would there be sufficient interest?

    Please share your thoughts. I'm interested in your comments.

    Love, Scully

  • RunningMan

    Although this sounds like an attractive idea, I don't think we have the concentration of victims that would be required for this. Bear in mind that we are the fringe of a fringe organization.

    Although there are enough WT victims worldwide to support something like this, I can't imagine any one city where there would be enough support.

    How about a virtual memorial garden?

  • Scully

    >>>Although there are enough WT victims worldwide to support something like this, I can't imagine any one city where there would be enough support.<<<

    Well, if they ever bulldoze those buildings on Columbia Heights in Brooklyn, I'm sure the neighbourhood wouldn't mind putting this in its place. Other than that, I was thinking the same thing.

    Love, Scully

  • Larry

    Sounds like a winner to me - "How about a virtual memorial garden?"

    But who know what'll open up after the SilentLamb march - Could be the start of something BIG!

    Peace and Security - LL

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    I think it's a good idea but you would need to have your own property for the garden as exJWs currently, outside of have no funds for purchasing such land. I can get you over a hundred names of victims. Most would be from the website. I'm sure a relative of one of the many victims would donate funds or property to you as your goal became better known. Do not let negative naysayers and those pro-Watchtower dissuade you from a worthy cause!

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    The virtual idea also sounds good; why not both?

  • orangefatcat

    Scully, baby I think it is a tremendous idea, it sounds wonderful to me.

    Hope there is someone out there with some clout or pull in the land registry office or something like that.

    Love, Orangefatcat

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    One last quick thought. I notice on the exjw's meetup website that there are a lot of exJWs in particular in New York City and in the Los Angeles areas as well as Washington state. Those would be good places, but even one in the Midwest would do for with time word-of-mouth and our talking about it on the internet would make people aware of it and draw them there increasingly. Ditto for any other place.

    Might even be a civic group, club or church willing to simply let you use some piece of property they already have for free to put up a memorial garden there once you tell them what it's about. Dreams do become reality but have to be pushed steadily like a wheel-barrel to get you there!

    Edited by - nancee park on 9 September 2002 18:8:57

  • Larry

    By 'virtual memorial garden' I mean a website dedicated to the victims, and then later on publish it as a booklet or pamphlet.

    I can see it now - published by the Apostates Tract Society (ATS)

    Peace - LL

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