I posted an idea on this thread last night.
I thought it would be a very worthy cause to open a Memorial Garden or Park for anyone who was a victim of WTS policy on blood/organ transplants. The more I thought about this, the more I realized the potential to open this up to people who lost a family member to suicide as a result of shunning/DFing, and even to survivors of WTS policy on child sexual abuse.
A Memory Garden would give the family a place to visit in peaceful surroundings to remember their loved one. There would be a tree or rosebush or whatever the family chose to commemorate their loved one, along with a small plaque with the person's name, dates of birth/death and cause of death.
A "victory" garden gives a once-silenced lamb a place to come and reflect on positive growth they've experienced despite their tragic experiences.
While I think it's a worthwhile undertaking, I also realize that I don't have the resources to start something concrete. Is this something that's feasible on a national or international scale?
I wonder if there's some way of creating a virtual garden like this??
What would be involved?
Would there be sufficient interest?
Please share your thoughts. I'm interested in your comments.
Love, Scully