My book arrives today!

by morrisamb 8 Replies latest forum announcements

  • morrisamb

    I'm so excited! My memoir, Father's Touch is finally here! Donald

    To celebrate, I'll share my latest review: (Thanks for everyone's support!)

    Pedophilia, betrayal, and cowardice
    Not just another story . . .
    Five Stars

    Rudy Spoerer (dowadiddi)
    Top 500 Reviewer

    If the title alone doesn't run a cold shiver down your spine then certainly once you hit the first few chapters of this astoundingly disturbing book the story will more than catch the readers immediate attention.

    No, it's not just another whining 'survivor' or 'I overcame it all' type of book but rather an in your face account of a four year old boy, victimized, by his pervert father. With superb writing skills, the author takes us back into the mind of that boy as he must, with his mother, brothers and sister, live, unprotected and vulnerable, while his father freely continues to play 'The Game'. As the reader our frustration and anger reach a fevered pitch during numerous parts of the book as we are forced to witness the perversion inflicted on the author and his family of innocents.

    The author's family, amazingly enough, members of a very closed and tight knit Christian community of Jehovah's Witnesses, continues to live and interact in the community until the pervert father makes a mistake and tries to seduce one of the brothers who finally brings the pedophelia to the light of day.

    Needless to say the author soon realizes that his mother, church elders, teachers and even the police repeatedly betray his calls for help displaying nothing more than indifference and cowardice to face up to a disgusting pervert in the community molesting one of his own sons.

    Although certainly not my usual reading fare, I couldn't put this book down or stop thinking about the disturbing content. The authors writing skills are superb, the book is an easy read, maintains the readers interest and the story flows. As well, the author certainly avoids the modern day fashionable pitfall of 'Christian bashing' that seems to be a very very popular pastime of the media today.

    I recommend this highly thought provoking book, don't expect to walk away from it unscathed .....

  • Mimilly

    Donald - Absolute congratulations hon. What a trial of the heart it must have been for you to write it. I wish you great success. I know that after I read it, I will want to just hold that little boy in my arms and keep him safe. Should we meet in person - I shall give you a huge hug of congrats and healing!

    Can I get an autographed copy

    Cheering you on,


  • morrisamb

    You betcha Mimilly!!!

    Hugs right back at ya!!

    (I've emailed ya!)

  • ugg

    "CONGRATULATIONS" sending hugs

  • morrisamb

    Ugg, thanks for the hug!!

    Well, got my first look at my book...this has been a five year project! I'm so happy with it! I've spent the whole day delivering and shipping my book (even to members of this board who've placed orders!) One social worker order 45 copies!!! A Witness in Sweden -- I had to mail her 10 copies (she wants to give it to Witnesses in her congregation!)

    Reading about the trial in Toronto...and the coincidence that I get my book at the same time + with 9/ll [I attended the rolling Mozart Requiem memorial yesterday morning], it's been a very emotional week!

    thanks for everyone's support, especially Dungbeetle and Hawkaw

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I hope you don't mind me asking, but you say it was a five year project; did it take you 5 years to actually write the book? Was it difficult to actually put the words down on paper or did you find it cathartic on some level? What did you find difficult about writing this book?

    The reason I am asking is that I am a survivor of incest and I've always found journaling about my abuse very difficult. It's not that I don't know what to say, it's that I find it difficult to actually write the words down on paper. Please excuse me if I am intruding too much. I do not mean to irritate or annoy, I'm only curious. Actually I admire your ability to take a hideous situation and make something positive out it.



  • morrisamb

    Yo Big Tex, OF COURSE, I don't mind answering your questions. I guess many at this board have felt like they walk on egg shells here from time to time! I'm a touch cookie, and your questions are certainly answerable!!! And if you have more, ask away. You know, I learned long ago to just say no if I don't feel like doing something.

    It took five years to write the book with one of those five years being a period where I didn't even look at the written page!!! I was so frustrated, I didn't want nothing to do with it...then when I was ready, I attacked it with renewed vigour and fresh eyes!

    Writing this book was the hardest thing I have ever done. Two earlier versions did not work. I think I had wanted to write it without actually going there, if you know what I mean. Difficult for I had many goals. . .

    --Like one of my reviewers noted: "'s not just another whining 'survivor' or 'I overcame it all' type of book".

    --I wanted readers to get as close as is humanly possible to the experience of a victim.

    --I do not portray myself as a saint

    --as a reviewer also noted: I "avoid the modern day fashionable pitfall of 'Christian bashing' that seems to be a very very popular pastime of the media today"

    --I wanted it to be judged for its writing, style, and quality; as I told one interviewer: "The [emotional] response to my story is inevitable; to my writing very rewarding."

    thanks for asking, Big Tex

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I think I had wanted to write it without actually going there, if you know what I mean.

    Yeah I do. It seems to me that you do have to get down and dirty if you're going to put the experiences down on paper. Did it feel as if you re-lived it, on an emotional level, while you were writing? I would like to read your book as it sounds like it is saying something important. I appreciate the reviewer you quoted as saying your book did not come across as another 'whiny survivor' or the 'overcame it all' syndrome. I've tried to be that way myself and you do not appear that way to me, even though I've only been on this board for a few months. By the way, thanks for responding. I've never had the chance to ask anyone these sorts of questions, especially a published author, and I've always been curious about the mechanics of writing. It does seem to me to be a difficult thing to do. But I would imagine now that it's published, you must be thrilled! Congratulations and thanks again.


  • morrisamb

    Did it feel as if you re-lived it, on an emotional level, while you were writing?

    Big Tex, Yes and no! I interviewed my mother and siblings countless times. I have a feeling response to their experiences. I am very detached from my own. Every victim is so completely unique and I believe should be treated as such.

    Thanks so much for your interest and kind words.

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