July Abuse Rant

by freemindfade 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • freemindfade

    TM3 is back!! July broadcast rant on child abuse.


    "the governing body asked me..." I am sure its more like "The legal department begged me"

    Also this old PSA, very interesting, very covert, I am sure this was a legal move from my own experience in business and legal, they didn't really promote it, but by releasing it they put something on record back then showing "proactivity" if you will. Very clever and will probably elude the skepticism of most R&F.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Couldn't make myself watch the cartoon - but I'm guessing that they used it to instill the phobia of worldy people?

    I love how he can take literally any topic and somehow turn it homophobic. As if a man molesting a male child has anything remotely to do with homosexuality. Bigot.

    As usual, it's just a lot of talk with nothing to back it up.

  • freemindfade
    Yep, "see we condemn child abuse" do they want an award for that? That is easy to do, want an award change your arrogant policies, they are blowing up in your faces.
  • Island Man
    Island Man
    OMG! Did you see the last segment at the end featuring the JWs in Dominica? There were multiple clips showing a JW carrying an umbrella emblazoned with the gay pride rainbow!! ROFLOL.

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