Splane and Morris Should Thank Raymond Franz, Their Organizational Father

by Hold Me-Thrill Me 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    The whole Elder Body teaching and Governing Body teaching was based on research by a well known "apostate" Raymond Franz. Franz wrote the AID book articles which gave rise to the changes made in the congregations and Bethel. Knorr was deposed by the johnny come lately new governing body members who in turn gave birth to those in charge today.

    Thus Splane and Morris owe their positions to a famous "apostate". Can't think of a better reason to rethink the whole sad governing body system.

    From a JW point of view, that is.


  • millie210

    Well, they got rid of the AID book by copy/pasting the best parts and adding a "so then" and a "therefore we see" in a few places and calling it the Insight book.

    Thus enabling themselves to think they can still have talent in their writing department but we know better....

  • westiebilly11
    ..which is why apostasy is indefinable as truth is a work in progress....nothing is set in concrete...so called apostates are just individuals who search and challenge...seeking truth...refusing to act like lemmings....seeing a cliff and turning back...
  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    In his book, Crisis of Conscience, Raymond Franz wrote that if Knorr had still been alive he doubted he would have been treated as he was.

    I leave it to others to judge what that means.

  • oppostate

    Considering how Knorr treated Ed Dunlap, and also his opinions about women, and giving the "don't touch your pee-pee at Bethel talk", I have very little respect for that WT President.

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    Knorr was what he was. Raymond Franz knew he was not one to throw him out for merely disagreeing.

    As for his new boy Bethel talks it is true that many "boys" who went to Bethel needed parenting. If their parents did not do it, Knorr would do it for them. He was not running a nursery.

  • fulano
    Well, they got rid of the AID book by copy/pasting the best parts and adding a "so then" and a "therefore we see" in a few places and calling it the Insight book.
    Thus enabling themselves to think they can still have talent in their writing department but we know better....
  • fulano
    Bloody quote etc. Doesnt work, but millie210 such a Sharp observation!
  • Vidiot

    That's some thump-you-over-the-head-level irony.


    Can't believe I never made the connection, before.

  • oppostate

    Ray F''s views on religious leadership differ greatly from the way the GB 2.0 manage things today.

    His understanding of "older-men" taking the lead in the congregation was one of service, he even admits that Phoebe had a "ministry" a "service" to the congregation as a "diakonos" (note the male gender of the original Greek) even though she was a "woman," so he had no conflict with a more active role of women in the Christian congregations as servants for the sake of fellow believers.

    Knorr was a good businessman and organizational manager, but he showed little care for the R&F whom he treated as peons. He would have known that Ray F. was a good researcher and a sharp, eloquent writer and this would benefit the Watchtower. Intellectually this made Ray F. rank way above most fellow GB members and give the predilect WT's oracle, his uncle Freddy a run for his money--Freddy F. was, by the way, the only one with some university training behind him, from what I've gathered.

    The GB 1.0 feared what Ray F. could do if he turned against them out of conscience. Once Ray F. looked behind the curtain and saw the impotent leadership for the uncaring, manipulating busters they really were, the Gobbering Body sh@t themselves and reacted in a more and more controlling manner through witch-hunts at Bethel Headquarters and flaming lash-outs published in their magazines.

    Notice how quickly they moved to get rid of Ray Franz and Ed Dulop, but hung on to Chitty and Greenlees, moving them out to the fringes where their "deviant" behaviors wouldn't be so obvious.

    The current GB has little appreciation for Ray F. and those who were forced out over three decades ago, they've not learned any lessons, nor do they seem to care to--out of sight out of mind. Otherwise we would see a genuine move to benefit the well-being of the JW believers instead of worldwide counsel against spandex, colorful socks and tight fitting trousers.

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