What is the Watchtower Educational Center?

by Gerard 9 Replies latest social current

  • Gerard

    The WTBTS owns something called the Watchtower Educational Center .

    What is it?

    "Putnam County - The Town of Patterson, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Watchtower Amended Site Plan may have a significant adverse environmental impact and a Draft EIS must be prepared. A public scoping session will be held on May 30, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. at the Patterson Town Hall, PO Box 470, 1142 Route 311, Patterson, NY 12563. Written comments will be accepted until June 13, 2002. The action involves expansion of the existing Watchtower Educational Center with the construction of two new residence buildings, an office building, additions to the audio/video building and a new maintenance building which total 172, 500 square feet. The parcel on which the new buildings will be constructed is approximately 362.5+ acres. The project is located within the Town of Patterson Putnam County, NY, on the east side of NYS Route 22, approximately 7/10 of a mile north of the intersection of Haviland Hollow Road, Town of Patterson.

    Contact: Richard Williams, Patterson Town Hall, PO Box 470, 1142 Route 311, Patterson, NY 12563, phone: (845) 878-6500, e-mail:[email protected]"



  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    An oxymoron.

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 11 September 2002 14:17:14

  • Quotes

    <grin> for Nathan

    I believe this is the "Gilead School" facilities, I remember visiting it during a tour or Bethel & Bethel Farms around 1990.

    Remember, one man's Educational Center is another man's Cult Indoctrination Center.

  • Elsewhere

    I think someone forgot to tell them that the Rivers Euphrates is drying up.

  • Imbue

    The Watchtower Educational Center is about 600 acres of valuable real estate in Putnam County NY. It's about an hour and fifteen minutes to NYC so it's in a commuter location. They have the Gilead School, legal dept, estate planning dept, art dept, video Dept, questions from the readers dept and a nursing home in the health dept located there. They also have a hotel on the property for which they supposedly pay property taxes to the community. I'm sure there are several other departments, I've forgotten to mention, so maybe others can fill in the blanks.

    Edited by - Imbue on 11 September 2002 20:54:59

  • butalbee


  • Osarsif
  • StinkyPantz

    The Primary Brainwashing Zone

  • SYN

    Damnit Nathan, when I saw the title of this thread, I thought OXYMORON instantly!

    Just shows you, great minds think alike eh

    But fools never differ!

  • Ray

    I understand there are also have the residence building for WTBS people who live and work for Gilead School, legal dept, estate planning dept, art dept, video Dept, questions from the readers dept. They pay rent free. Any body whom go to school will have to stay at hotel (low rent fee).

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