What September 11th taught me

by kenpodragon 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    What September 11th taught me

    I woke to a normal day and thought nothing was going to be any different then the rest of the year. I took a shower, got ready for work and then decided to watch a little television to waste some time before leaving. I turned it on, and there was a man talking about the Oklahoma bombing. I thought, "great, why are they talking about this so early" and then they flashed to a image of a plane hitting the twin towers, then the other, and then the Pentagon. I was sitting there in my seat for what seemed like minutes, but instead was nearly an hour. I was horrified and frightened, wondering what was going to happen next. It seemed like we were the punching bag and nothing was between us and the fist. Of course, I know many people felt the same ... but something about September 11th had to be felt on a personal basis and settled within ourselves.

    Prior to this date I always saw life as special, and envisions all those in life as candles burning with the brightness of life. Although I had witnessed many candles blowing out in my life, it always seemed that there was enough people to keep the world bright enough to where their absence was hardly noticed for long. Not forgotten, but others absorbed their missing place. I never thought that candles burning from across the horizon and miles away meant a whole lot. After all, their heat did not touch me and they could only be seen in those brief unrecognizable faces on the street or in the news. People with lives you would never know, and people you would never touch. The ones who were in your Disneyland photos, sitting in the background to your family photos.

    Yet when the wind came and blew so many lights out, it seemed like my life was a little darker. The horizon of life seemed a little closer and the wind seemed to be cold with the smoke of candles no longer burning. Suddenly, I felt the need to want to see those lights that I kept close, even closer. To feel their warmth and to smile more at the fact that they were near me. I wanted to smile more to strangers, hold doors open for people I never knew, and to stand with pride that I was nothing like these people who carried out such a horrific deed.

    Like many things, time passes and we come to terms with who we were before something happened and who we were after. We find a balance and perhaps find the person that we always knew we could be. What is amazing to me though, is that with all the candles of life that blew out on that single moment in time, the world does not seem darker to me today. No, in many ways the world seem brighter, because more people seem to notice it. I realized all the more so, how life can change at a moments notice and how nothing in this life is permanent ... except one thing! Love, not just for those whom we know and see. No, love for those who we only feel, only see in the distance, love for those who add all of their light and heat to the world.

    So how did September 11th affect me? Well it did bring a measure of caution and fear that was not their on September 10, 2001, but it also brought a larger portion of my heart to the front of my life. As I realized that this planet really is a small place, yet we share it with many neighbors. That burn bright all around us, and sometimes we just have to look around at times to see and feel them all the more, with each moment, and each new date that followed September 11, 2001.

    My thought

    Edited by - kenpodragon on 11 September 2002 17:39:43

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Gads K.D....

    That was so poetic....We share very similar sentiments, only you do justice to putting them to words. Thanks. (it's such an emotional day of rememberance).

  • ApagaLaLuz

    This was so beautifully put.

    Many times I have gotten pictures back from Disneyland, or the beach, or any place there was a crowd. I've analyzed the people in the background. The ones who seem to be looking at you, but you didn't see them. I wondered who they were. I wondered how many times have I been the person in the background of other's Disneyland pictures?

    This is a wonderful analogy. September 11th taught me to pay attention people

  • willdabeerman

    nicley put tught me that even though your hanging out having a good time,that tomorrow is never promised.never assume youll see loved ones again.things happen,and 9-11 was a cold crude wake up call to tell me to slow down and never take friends or family for granted(which i have been known for).this day sux. and always will suck.those bastards took 2 of my friends ,but those bastards also made me wake up and realise take nothing for granted.

    i love you and will always miss you.petey,pauly.rest in peace brothers.... ;-(

  • freedom96

    Good thoughts, kenpo.

    I think it has helped us that are in free countries to appreciate what indeed we do have, and we need to protect it. I was at a speech, and the man on stage was talking about how he had just come back from the War. In his words, he flew the missions that "did not exist" using weapons that "do not exist." There was not a dry eye in the room.

  • Beck_Melbourne


    Sometimes the loss of life can change our own personal outlook in life. It is a life changing experience to lose someone dear to us, especially in a tragic way. We go through a transition where we are convinced we will never take things for granted ever again. Precautions become paramount and fear rules our thoughts for a time.

    September 11th has taught me that the united compassion for the anguish of the victims and their families, has conquered an act of malice that accomplished nothing.


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